SEIN Presents... The Glendale Women's Café
The South East Integration Network shine a spotlight on The Glendale Women’s Café, a safe and welcoming space in Pollokshields in which women can come together to learn, create, enjoy and support each other.
Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches (Româna)
Discursurile lui Sammy și Natalia de la Ziua Internațională a Romilor. Au participat la cursul „Community Catalyst” al lui Romano Lav – un grup de 12 tineri romi care au urmat un curs de 8 săptămâni pentru a afla totul despre drepturile lor și cum să lupte pentru ei.
Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches (Čeština)
Projevy Sammyho a Natalie z Mezinárodního dne Romů. Zúčastnili se kurzu v Romano Lav’s ‘Community Catalyst’ – skupina 12 mladých Romů, kteří absolvovali 8 tydenní kurz, v němž se dozvěděli vše o svých právech a o tom, jak za ně bojovat.
Volunteer Spotlight: Allan Hughes
Get to know Allan and how his volunteering at the Hidden Gardens has introduced him to new hobbies like foraging and tai chi.
Your Govanhill: Fulton’s
Get to know the owners of Fulton’s, affectionately known as the two Grahams, as they share their favourite spots along Victoria Road
Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches
On International Roma Day last year, Sammy and Natalia gave speeches to the crowd. Both took part in Romano Lav’s ‘Community Catalysts’ course, in which a group of 12 Roma young people spent 8 weeks learning about their rights and how to fight for them.
2022 in Review: Our most read articles and staff picks from the year
In 2022, we had more than 150 people contributors to the magazine in one way or another. Find out what our most read articles were from the past year as well as our staff’s favourite articles.
On Track for a More Connected Govanhill? Plans for the Clyde Metro
Before the end of the year, the Scottish Government should be publishing their delivery plan for the future transport proposals — including the vast overhaul of the Clyde Metro system. We delve into the proposed changes and how they could revolutionise Govanhill’s connections to the city.
Like My Grandmother Used to Make: Vegetable Pakora
In the latest edition of our regular series, Usma Ashraf shares her favourite quick snack and why this recipe is important to her culture.
Govanhill: Dreams of the Future
We asked a number of people in Govanhill to imagine a future, a more perfect version of the neighbourhood, 10 years from now.
Govanhill Baths: Past, Present and Future
We delved into the past, present and future of the neighbourhood, and the Govanhill Baths is right at the centre of that. What are you memories of the baths? What is happening behind the scenes right now? And when will Govanhill Baths reopen? Find out more and enjoy the striking photographs of the restoration, all taken by Becky Duncan of Open Aye CIC.
Dixon Halls: Giving Shape to Govanhill
This week saw the launch of a new edition of Loved And Lost: Govanhill's Built Heritage by Bruce Downie at Dixon Halls as part of the Govanhill International Festival and Carnival. But how much do you known about this iconic building, which helped to define the neighbourhood?
When Govanhill Defeated Hate
Taken from Issue 6 of the magazine, which explored the past, present and future of Govanhill, David Jamieson explored what happened when the British Union of Fascists came to the neighbourhood.
Ash Dieback: A Loss to Queen’s Park
There are 460 Ash Trees in Queen’s Park. Half of them will die in the foreseeable future because of a disease known as Ash Dieback. The future of the park’s arboreal landscape is very much in our hands.
Digging into the History of Queen’s Park
Queen’s Park has stirred the interest of historians and archeologists for a long time. In this article, Ken McElroy explores the fascinating history of how the popular space has been used over time by digging beneath the surface.
Behind the Portrait: Casian Covaciu
Continuing in our collaborative series with Simon Murphy, we spoke to Casian Covaciu, a trainee barber who lives in Govanhill, about Roma weddings and life in the area.
'Run It or Lose It?' Who does community ownership actually benefit?
The transfer of assets such as buildings from the council to community ownership is often spoken about as a neat solution to an ongoing problem, but the process is much more complex than that. Alex Wilde, looks into the case of the Govanhill Baths and whether community ownership represents greater justice for a community.
A Cuppa Community
Take a tour of Govanhill’s shifting café culture with Rose O’Doherty who is from the Gorbals but has lived in the area since the 90s. The cafes and their owners tell the story of this ever changing neighbourhood.
Part 2 of our EXCLUSIVE Interview with Nicola Sturgeon
In the second part of our exclusive interview with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, young people from backgrounds typically under-represented in the media who have been learning journalism skills with Greater Govanhilll got to ask questions about the subjects they were most interested in.
Women on Wheels Launch Inclusive Cycling Hub in Govanhill
Last Friday, new community organisation, Women on Wheels, held their launch event at Govanhill Workspace. We heard from founder Shgufta Ali about how she hopes to dismantle the barriers preventing women from cycling