Community, Issue 6, Politics, Activism, Children and young people Greater Govanhill Notices Community, Issue 6, Politics, Activism, Children and young people Greater Govanhill Notices

Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches (Româna)

Discursurile lui Sammy și Natalia de la Ziua Internațională a Romilor. Au participat la cursul „Community Catalyst” al lui Romano Lav – un grup de 12 tineri romi care au urmat un curs de 8 săptămâni pentru a afla totul despre drepturile lor și cum să lupte pentru ei.

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Community, Issue 6, Politics, Activism, Children and young people Greater Govanhill Notices Community, Issue 6, Politics, Activism, Children and young people Greater Govanhill Notices

Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches (Čeština)

Projevy Sammyho a Natalie z Mezinárodního dne Romů. Zúčastnili se kurzu v Romano Lav’s   ‘Community Catalyst’ – skupina 12 mladých Romů, kteří absolvovali 8 tydenní kurz, v němž se dozvěděli vše o svých právech a o tom, jak za ně bojovat.

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Community, Issue 6, Politics, Activism, Children and young people Greater Govanhill Notices Community, Issue 6, Politics, Activism, Children and young people Greater Govanhill Notices

Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches

On International Roma Day last year, Sammy and Natalia gave speeches to the crowd. Both took part in Romano Lav’s ‘Community Catalysts’ course, in which a  group of 12 Roma young people spent 8 weeks learning about their rights and how to fight for them.

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Issue 6, Heritage, Photography Rhiannon Davies Issue 6, Heritage, Photography Rhiannon Davies

Govanhill Baths: Past, Present and Future

We delved into the past, present and future of the neighbourhood, and the Govanhill Baths is right at the centre of that. What are you memories of the baths? What is happening behind the scenes right now? And when will Govanhill Baths reopen? Find out more and enjoy the striking photographs of the restoration, all taken by Becky Duncan of Open Aye CIC.

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democracy, Community, Issue 6, Activism Rhiannon Davies democracy, Community, Issue 6, Activism Rhiannon Davies

'Run It or Lose It?' Who does community ownership actually benefit?

The transfer of assets such as buildings from the council to community ownership is often spoken about as a neat solution to an ongoing problem, but the process is much more complex than that. Alex Wilde, looks into the case of the Govanhill Baths and whether community ownership represents greater justice for a community.

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Community, Issue 6, Food Greater Govanhill Notices Community, Issue 6, Food Greater Govanhill Notices

A Cuppa Community

Take a tour of Govanhill’s shifting café culture with Rose O’Doherty who is from the Gorbals but has lived in the area since the 90s. The cafes and their owners tell the story of this ever changing neighbourhood.

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Part 2 of our EXCLUSIVE Interview with Nicola Sturgeon

In the second part of our exclusive interview with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, young people from backgrounds typically under-represented in the media who have been learning journalism skills with Greater Govanhilll got to ask questions about the subjects they were most interested in.

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