Finding Home: From Pakistan to Glasgow
Our cover stars of Issue 8 of the magazine are mother and daughter Shayala and Zanib. In this interview, they explored their feelings about their Scottish-Pakistani heritage and what makes home.
My Life Before Govanhill: Jurek Gruszka
In our regular feature ‘My Life Before Govanhill’ we find out from the diverse community of Govanhill what they got up to before settling around Victoria Road. In this edition, we meet Jurek Gruszka
From Tattie Howkin’ to Irn Bru: Scots-Polish Translation App
A new app developed by the Dictionaries of the Scots Language translate Scots words and culture into Polish. In our latest issue, translator Alicja Tokarska explored the need for the app and the history of Poles in Scotland.
The Luxury to Choose
One of our Young Voices team, Anne Flynn, shares her experience of moving over six-thousand miles away, whilst also acknowledging her privilege she had making that decision in comparison to some friends she has made along the way.
Affirming Difference and Reclaiming Integration: South Asian History in Glasgow’s Southside
The South Asian community has long been a part of Glasgow’s cultural make-up particularly in the Gorbals and Govanhill. Summer Jamal explores how the community’s history is rooted in colonial history and in doing so offers a contextual critique on traditional integration ideas.
Simon Murphy’s ‘100 Rolls’ Project Wins in Portrait of Britain Awards
Simon Murphy has become well known around Govanhill for his photography project which celebrates the people that make up the community. Now one of his photographs, of our frequent contributor Dylan Lombard has been selected in the British Journal of Photography’s Portrait of Britain Awards
2022 in Review: Our most read articles and staff picks from the year
In 2022, we had more than 150 people contributors to the magazine in one way or another. Find out what our most read articles were from the past year as well as our staff’s favourite articles.
How can we move beyond buzzwords to truly celebrate diversity?
In our issue on integration, Govanhill’s former community connector Marzanna Antoniak explored what it means to be inclusive, and the simple things we can all do to flip the power dynamic.
Comic Strip: Little Donegal
Govanhill and the Gorbals were once known as ‘Little Donegal’ because of the large numbers of Irish migrants who settled here. This four part comic strip was created for Greater Govanhill by storyteller, Rae Mackinlay.
What Do We Mean by Integration?
Issue 8 of Greater Govanhill poses the questions — What does integration mean to you? We delve into the slippery term and speak to community organisations to hear their take on the word.
Issue 8: What Does Integration Mean to You
Issue 8 of the magazine has been published! It focuses on the complex issue of integration and what it means to different people in different contexts. From articles on a new Scottish-Polish translation app, to the history of the South Asian community in the area. Become a member to get a copy sent to you.
South Seeds: the energy advisers fighting to keep people warm this winter
Mind the Health Gap is a year-long project between Greater Govanhill and The Ferret, a Scotland-wide investigations media co-op. In the first of the series, Karin Goodwin met with energy advisors from South Seeds.
In Numbers: Just How Stark is the Health Gap in Scotland?
The Ferret and Greater Govanhill magazine have teamed up to examine responses to health inequalities as part of a new collaborative project – Mind the Health Gap.
Mind the Health Gap: Exploring Responses to Health Inequalities
Mind the Health Gap is a year-long project between Greater Govanhill and The Ferret, a Scotland-wide investigations media co-op. Working together with community members in Govanhill, we will examine the way inequality leads to poor health and shorter lives, and our stories will focus on responses to the problems we find.
(Some of) The Best Lunches On The Go
Govanhill is known for its vibrant food culture showcasing flavours from all over the world.vIn the first of a new series, we’ve rounded up some of our readers’ favourite lunches to grab when you’re out and about – for around a fiver or less.