Film: Glasgow Welcomes Refugees
In his documentary Glasgow Welcomes Refugees, South-American Filmmaker Jose Maria Martinelli shares the experiences of two Scottish activists, Jock Morris and Margaret Woods, who detail the history of the Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees.
Last Chance to Make Your Voice Heard in Local Consultations
Want to have your voice heard on local issues? There are currently consultations on the council’s South Central Development Framework, which covers Govanhill and lighting in Queen’s Park.
Govanhill: Dreams of the Future
We asked a number of people in Govanhill to imagine a future, a more perfect version of the neighbourhood, 10 years from now.
'Run It or Lose It?' Who does community ownership actually benefit?
The transfer of assets such as buildings from the council to community ownership is often spoken about as a neat solution to an ongoing problem, but the process is much more complex than that. Alex Wilde, looks into the case of the Govanhill Baths and whether community ownership represents greater justice for a community.
Part 2 of our EXCLUSIVE Interview with Nicola Sturgeon
In the second part of our exclusive interview with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, young people from backgrounds typically under-represented in the media who have been learning journalism skills with Greater Govanhilll got to ask questions about the subjects they were most interested in.
Life on Pause: Community Resistance to an Inhumane Asylum System
Ahead of this weekend’s Festival of Resistance, human rights activist, Pinar Aksu, reflects on some of the key moments around asylum policy from the past few years and the unity now needed in the face of the Nationality and Borders Bill.
Elections Results for Southside Central
The election results are in for Glasgow Southside Central.
Your Questions Answered: Mhairi Hunter - SNP
We put 8 questions from our readers to all 10 candidates standing to represent the Southside Central ward ahead of the 5 May elections. Next we have Mhairi Hunters standing as one of the SNP candidates.
Your Questions Answered: Jamie Dyer - Independent
We put 8 questions from our readers to all 10 candidates standing to represent the Southside Central ward ahead of the 5 May elections. Next we have Jamie Dyer standing as an independent.
Your Questions Answered: Elaine Gallagher - Scottish Greens
We put 8 questions from our readers to all 10 candidates standing to represent the Southside Central ward ahead of the 5 May elections. First up is Elaine Gallagher, standing for the Scottish Green Party.
Explained: Glasgow Council Elections 2022 in the Southside Central Ward
Glasgow City Council elections will be held on 5 May and if you are eligible to vote, you have until the 23:59 on the 18 April to register to exercise your democratic right. Read on to find out who can vote, how the counting works and who is standing for election in Govanhill.