‘Stop Fly Tipping’ Says St Bride’s P6s
Primary 6s at St Brides are are taking a closer look at the issue of fly tipping and went on a walkabout to identify the issue. To raise awareness, they have made posters and below are extracts from some of the letters they wrote to Glasgow MSP Patrick Harvie to call for action.
Parents for Future Scotland: Let’s make this election about people, not profit
Parents for Future Scotland urge election candidates to address rising energy costs for families like the Andersons in Glasgow amid ongoing cost of living concerns. Support their Warm This Winter campaign for emergency aid and a shift to renewable energy.
SPT Approve Shift from Private to Public Control. What Now?
The Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) gave the green light to proposed reforms that could completely transform Glasgow’s bus services. This decision marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing campaign by Get Glasgow Moving to revolutionise transportation in the city. But what does this mean and what’s next?
Artists, cyclists, and community leaders unite: the Southside’s ongoing actions for Palestine"
Communities worldwide have shown solidarity for the Palestinian people, and Govanhill is no different. Through music, art, food, and talks, people continue to raise awareness and funds for Palestine. This article brings you news of the latest events taking place in our neighbourhood.
How My Dog Dora Went From Being a Rescue to Finding Fame and a Forever Family
Peggy joined one of our young reporter workshops earlier this year and shared a story about her pet dog Dora.
Kids Winter Activity Ideas
After joining one of our young reporter workshops this year, Govanhill resident Nara wanted to write about what to do when you are bored in the winter holidays.
This Fertile Ground is Alive
Something very exciting is happening with the young people in Romano Lav’s Community Catalyst programme. This short piece of writing is an attempt to capture something of it.
Building Community on Four Wheels
The Southside’s skatepark, the Recs, has fallen into disrepair over the years. Greater Govanhill spoke with skaters about how consultation between skaters and Glasgow City Council could improve the Recs, and the importance of community built DIY spaces for urban sports.
Changing Perceptions - and Building Community - Online
How social media became a way to meet like minded people for local teenager, and contributing photographer to Greater Govanhill, Dylan Lombard.
Amma Birth Companions: Support When You Need it Most
We chat to Amma Birth Companions about the valuable work they do in advocating for expectant refugee and asylum seekers. They tell us about the health inequalities that women of colour experience when accessing maternal health services.
That's It for Govanhill International Festival 2023!
“Govanhill illustrates all that is wonderful about Scotland… We welcome diversity, we welcome inclusion” – local MSP Nicola Sturgeon speaking at this year’s carnival. It was another packed year for ‘Scotland premium international festival’ . Here are some of our highlights.
Just How Effective is Scotland's Free Period Product Policy?
Free period products have been part of Scotland’s legislation since 2021 through The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act. Since then, the country has been recognised as a world pioneer in tackling period poverty. Greater Govanhill reporters spoke with community members and organisations to understand more about how this legislation works in practice.
'Dream Come True' as Romano Lav to Open Scotland's First Roma Cultural Centre
The Roma community in and around Govanhill are celebrating the announcement of plans to establish a Roma cultural centre on Nithsdale Road. The centre will be run by Romano Lav, regular contributors to Greater Govanhill magazine.
Govanhill International Festival Reveals This Year's Line-Up, Including Two Events by Greater Govanhill
Govanhill International Festival and Carnival is back! Find out about all the events going on, including ones from Govanhill Baths, and check out what we are offering.
It’s Mango Season in Govanhill
Artists, Ragini Chawla and Hussein Mitha have been facilitating mango workshops to explore the political and nostalgic elements of the fruit. To celebrate the mango in all its forms Rumpus Room hosted its very own mango party.
Refugee Festival Scotland Returns: find out what’s happening around the Southside
The Scottish Refugee Festival Scotland is returning from 16-25 June with the theme of hope – ‘showcasing inspiring stories and sharing hopes and dreams for a better future’
Street Beats: Meet the Annette Street Drummers
In the midst of Winter last year, Greater Govanhill and The Ferret opened the doors to The Community Newsroom. To celebrate the occasion with the local community they were joined by Annette Street Drummers, a group of talented young kids who put on an energised performance to mark the occasion.
In the footsteps of John Maclean: A History of Political Radicalism in the Southside
May Day is approaching and Glasgow’s trade union are hosting a whole variety of events for the May 1st celebrations. Before then, read about a history of political radicalism around Queen’s Park as Radical Glasgow Tours share the history of John Maclean.
Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches (Româna)
Discursurile lui Sammy și Natalia de la Ziua Internațională a Romilor. Au participat la cursul „Community Catalyst” al lui Romano Lav – un grup de 12 tineri romi care au urmat un curs de 8 săptămâni pentru a afla totul despre drepturile lor și cum să lupte pentru ei.
Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches (Čeština)
Projevy Sammyho a Natalie z Mezinárodního dne Romů. Zúčastnili se kurzu v Romano Lav’s ‘Community Catalyst’ – skupina 12 mladých Romů, kteří absolvovali 8 tydenní kurz, v němž se dozvěděli vše o svých právech a o tom, jak za ně bojovat.