Studio 70: A Hidden Sanctuary on Victoria Road
Studio 70 is a cosy Southside studio offering yoga, pilates, sound baths and more. For Issue 9 of the magazine, Becki Menzies spoke to co-owners Laura Rice and Michelle Lang
Why People are Turning to Psychedelics to Treat Medical Conditions
Frustrations with waiting lists and a feeling that pharmaceutical medications are failing health needs are leading some people to seek out psychedelic alternative medicines. Jack Howse explores this phenomenon in Scotland from microdosing, to the Scottish Psychedelic Research Group.
How Community Outreach is Working to improve Uptake of Cervical Screenings
Cervical screenings in Govanhill are low among certain groups of women. As part of our Mind The Health Gap series, we explored why this is the case and what is being done to increase the uptake of cervical screenings in the community.
Tai Chi: The Pursuit of Harmony
Keeping our bodies and minds healthy isn’t always easy or cheap but Tai Chi provides a space for people with various abilities. Daniel shares how the practice is accessible and transformative for our minds and bodies.
Forging Connections Through Digital Inclusion
What difference does it make to provide free technology and data to those who experience inequality? Community reporter Bonnie Thomson spoke to organisations involved in delivery to find out.
Street Beats: Meet the Annette Street Drummers
In the midst of Winter last year, Greater Govanhill and The Ferret opened the doors to The Community Newsroom. To celebrate the occasion with the local community they were joined by Annette Street Drummers, a group of talented young kids who put on an energised performance to mark the occasion.
Chatty Cafe: The Difference a Cuppa Can Make
Loneliness and social isolation can affect so many people in Govanhill, but sometimes just talking to others can make a big difference. The Chatty Cafe scheme which has been adopted by local cafes is one small initiative aiming to support people.
Gambling ‘Wet Paper’ Proves the House Wins
The proposals lay out new advice for a industry that has digitally transformed since a governmental report on gambling was last published 18 years ago - but campaigners say it doesn’t go far enough.
A Day in the Life of Govanhill Library
Community reporter Flora Zajicek spent time in Govanhill Library to understand how the space was used by different people and what impact it has on people’s health and wellbeing.
[Română] Gambling Harms Special: „Nu Risti, nu Castigi”
In the final part of our gambling harms series, we hear from the Roma community about share how gambling harms affect their community and some of the solutions they have come up with so they can still enjoy social element of cards. In Romanes lanaguage
Gambling Harms Special: 'Nu Risti, nu Castigi' – 'You don't risk, you don't win'
In the final part of our gambling harms series, we hear from the Roma community about share how gambling harms affect their community and some of the solutions they have come up with so they can still enjoy social element of cards. In English
Gambling Harms Special: What Could Be Done to Prevent the Crisis?
Despite long awaited reforms, the laws that regulate gambling in this country remain wildly out of date. As part of our solutions journalism coverage of health inequalities, we took a look at responses to prevent gambling harms, taking a public health approach.
Gambling Harms Special: The Addiction Which is Being Ignored
In our previous article, we laid out why bookies are still so prolific on our high streets - but what it is actually like to work in one? One of Young Voices team, Zanib, worked in a Glasgow bookies while a student. She shares her experiences of her time there. Plus, Zanib interviews Martin and Kelly from the short documentary the machine zone which speaks to people with lived experience of gambling harms.
Gambling Harms Special: The Harm on our High Street
Gambling is an invisible harm in many communities in and around Govanhill. In the first of this multi-part feature, we use Victoria Road to explore betting shops on our high streets, and how Govanhill compares to more affluent parts of the city
Viva La Musica! Love, warmth and song with Govanhill Voices
Govanhill Voices sing songs in community languages including Yoruba, German, Dutch and Romani. They’re an inclusive group, where everyone is welcome to join and find joy in communal singing.
(Some of) The Best Free and Pay-What-You-Can Exercise Classes Around Govanhill
We all want to be healthier but sometimes it can be hard to fork out money for a gym membership every month. Luckily there are several places here in the Southside that offer free and pay-what-you-can classes — check out ten of them below.
Like My Grandmother Used to Make: Basbousa
Arij shares this sweet, syrup-soaked semolina cake that reminds her of home in our regular feature ‘Like My Grandmother Used to Make’.
Nail Art: You’re the First Person to Hold My Hand
Nail art is growing in popularity as it becomes more and more intricate. Local artist Becki Menzies who previously worked for Greater Govanhill has become renowned for her work.
Issue 9 – What Keeps Us Well? – Out Now!
We’re so excited to share with you the latest issue of the magazine, focused around the theme of health and wellbeing.
What Can We Do About the State of our Lanes?
What can be done to prevent littering and fly tipping in our lanes and back courts, when they are privately owned and the council does not take any responsibility? How can we make our neighbourhood cleaner and safer? Share your experiences, and tell us what you think should be done.