Festival of Social Action platforms young Roma activists
Young Roma activists co-curate a transformative Festival of Social Action at Scotland's first Roma Culture Centre, showcasing powerful stories and fostering community connections to inspire change. Including a screening of the film ‘(We Are Roma): This is our Home’ which explored the experiences, struggles, and aspirations of Roma youth in Glasgow through the lens of Lena Popikova, a young Roma woman and aspiring filmmaker who grew up in the city.
Art on Your Doorstep: Unveiling Southside’s Creative Spaces During Glasgow International
The 10th iteration of Glasgow International commenced on June 7th and continues through Sunday, June 23rd, 2024. As customary, the festival unfolds across the city, encompassing Glasgow's Southside. Resident and photographer Laura reflects on her experience exploring three lively exhibitions at Tramway, Queen’s Park Glasshouse and Celine on Victoria Road.
Știri și opinii despre romi: Cineast aspirant Lena Popikova privind actiunea socialǎ in comunitǎtile de romi
In our most recent Roma News and Views installment, Lena Popikiova discusses her film "Amen Sam Roma: We are Roma, this is our home," and reflects on the process of bringing it to life.
Roma News and Views: Aspiring Filmmaker, Lena Popikova on social action in Roma communities
In our most recent Roma News and Views installment, Lena Popikiova discusses her film "Amen Sam Roma: We are Roma, this is our home," and reflects on the process of bringing it to life.
Știri și opinii despre romi: Limba este un cadouprețios - Este de împărtășit sau de păstrat secret?
In this month of Roma News and Views, Rahela writes about the importance of language preservation and how Romanes, the language spoken by Roma people is being learned by people from Roma and non-Roma backgrounds.
Romské zprávy a názory: Jazyk je vzácný dar – je to sdílení nebo utajení?
In this month of Roma News and Views, Rahela writes about the importance of language preservation and how Romanes, the language spoken by Roma people is being learned by people from Roma and non-Roma backgrounds.
New research in Govanhill aims to tackle Roma health inequalities
A new £1.1M research aims to address health inequalities within the Roma community across the UK, and will work with Community Renewal’s Rom Romeha (For Roma By Roma) group in Govanhill.
FONDS: New multimedia exhibition at Tramway tells the stories of Govanhill through its most treasured objects
The objects treasured by people in Govanhill reveal stories of migration, transformation, love and resilience. A new photography exhibition, film and podcast will launch on 3 February.
This Fertile Ground is Alive
Something very exciting is happening with the young people in Romano Lav’s Community Catalyst programme. This short piece of writing is an attempt to capture something of it.
Govanhill…As I See It – Photography Exhibition
Govanhill…As I See It – Photography Exhibition was a culmination of film photos of people, places and buildings that bring the people of Govanhill joy and capture the spirit of their neighbourhood.
Before Govanhill: Răzvan Kim
In our regular feature ‘My Life Before Govanhill’ we find out from the diverse community of Govanhill what they got up to before settling around Victoria Road. In this edition, we meet Răzvan Kim.
Peer Support: How Rom Romeha built a community approach to removing barriers
Benjamin Kritikos, exploring why there’s such a pressing need for local solutions powered by the people most affected by them, spoke with people from Community Renewal Trust Rom Romeha (‘For Roma, By Roma’), to find out how they are tackling health inequalities and improving the quality of life for the neighbourhoods Roma community.
Just How Effective is Scotland's Free Period Product Policy?
Free period products have been part of Scotland’s legislation since 2021 through The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act. Since then, the country has been recognised as a world pioneer in tackling period poverty. Greater Govanhill reporters spoke with community members and organisations to understand more about how this legislation works in practice.
Rómske správy a názory: Rastieme v našej zadnej záhrade
Slovenský Róm Tomáš a jeho mama Vera si vo svojom dvore vytvorili záhradku, kde pestujú ovocie, zeleninu a kvety. Tomáš má poruchu zraku, kvôli čomu sú jeho oči mimoriadne citlivé na svetlo – to mu však neprekáža v záhradkárčení. Zamierili sme tam, aby sme sa dozvedeli viac…
Roma News and Views: Growing in Our Back Court
Slovak Roma Tomas and his mum Vera have created a garden in their backcourts where they grow fruits, vegetables and flowers. Tomas has a vision impairment which makes his eyes extremely sensitive to light – however this does not stop him gardening. We headed to his garden to find out more…
'Dream Come True' as Romano Lav to Open Scotland's First Roma Cultural Centre
The Roma community in and around Govanhill are celebrating the announcement of plans to establish a Roma cultural centre on Nithsdale Road. The centre will be run by Romano Lav, regular contributors to Greater Govanhill magazine.
Govanhill International Festival Reveals This Year's Line-Up, Including Two Events by Greater Govanhill
Govanhill International Festival and Carnival is back! Find out about all the events going on, including ones from Govanhill Baths, and check out what we are offering.
Refugee Festival Scotland Returns: find out what’s happening around the Southside
The Scottish Refugee Festival Scotland is returning from 16-25 June with the theme of hope – ‘showcasing inspiring stories and sharing hopes and dreams for a better future’
Celebrating Roma Culture in Govanhill
International Roma Day in April saw a host of events and activities take place around Govanhill. Melanie Goldberg writes on a striking exhibition and a celebration of this historic culture, in the face of online backlash.
[Română] Gambling Harms Special: „Nu Risti, nu Castigi”
In the final part of our gambling harms series, we hear from the Roma community about share how gambling harms affect their community and some of the solutions they have come up with so they can still enjoy social element of cards. In Romanes lanaguage