Living Rent Govanhill Demand Action on Street Lighting
The Govanhill branch of Scotland’s tenants’ union, Living Rent have taken demanded that Glasgow City Council provide a timeline to fix the 48 broken street lights in the neighbourhood.
Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches (Româna)
Discursurile lui Sammy și Natalia de la Ziua Internațională a Romilor. Au participat la cursul „Community Catalyst” al lui Romano Lav – un grup de 12 tineri romi care au urmat un curs de 8 săptămâni pentru a afla totul despre drepturile lor și cum să lupte pentru ei.
Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches (Čeština)
Projevy Sammyho a Natalie z Mezinárodního dne Romů. Zúčastnili se kurzu v Romano Lav’s ‘Community Catalyst’ – skupina 12 mladých Romů, kteří absolvovali 8 tydenní kurz, v němž se dozvěděli vše o svých právech a o tom, jak za ně bojovat.
Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches
On International Roma Day last year, Sammy and Natalia gave speeches to the crowd. Both took part in Romano Lav’s ‘Community Catalysts’ course, in which a group of 12 Roma young people spent 8 weeks learning about their rights and how to fight for them.
Exploring Solidarity in Glasgow and Beyond
As more and more strike actions take place in response to unjust conditions, we wanted to share this article from Issue 5 of the magazine, in which Silas Lehane explored solidarity between interconnected struggles.
When Govanhill Defeated Hate
Taken from Issue 6 of the magazine, which explored the past, present and future of Govanhill, David Jamieson explored what happened when the British Union of Fascists came to the neighbourhood.
Part 2 of our EXCLUSIVE Interview with Nicola Sturgeon
In the second part of our exclusive interview with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, young people from backgrounds typically under-represented in the media who have been learning journalism skills with Greater Govanhilll got to ask questions about the subjects they were most interested in.
Nicola Sturgeon: Interviewed EXCLUSIVELY by our Young Voices Team
In this exclusive interview with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, young people who have been learning journalism skills with Greater Govanhilll, got to ask questions about the subjects they were most interested in. In Part 1 she answers questions on the treatment of women in the criminal justice system, trans rights, Ukraine, and speaking out on the menopause.
Elections Results for Southside Central
The election results are in for Glasgow Southside Central.
Your Questions Answered - by Local Election Candidates
A little while ago, we asked you to send in your questions for candidates standing in the council elections to represent the Southside Central ward. Watch the video answers we received here.
Your Questions Answered: Mhairi Hunter - SNP
We put 8 questions from our readers to all 10 candidates standing to represent the Southside Central ward ahead of the 5 May elections. Next we have Mhairi Hunters standing as one of the SNP candidates.
Your Questions Answered: Jamie Dyer - Independent
We put 8 questions from our readers to all 10 candidates standing to represent the Southside Central ward ahead of the 5 May elections. Next we have Jamie Dyer standing as an independent.
Your Questions Answered: Elaine Gallagher - Scottish Greens
We put 8 questions from our readers to all 10 candidates standing to represent the Southside Central ward ahead of the 5 May elections. First up is Elaine Gallagher, standing for the Scottish Green Party.
Undocumented Migrants in Glasgow Wrongly Being Denied Access to GP Services
Working with the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, we found that in spite of government guidelines, less than a fifth of Glasgow GPs indicated that they would register a new patient without ID or proof of address - despite there being no legal requirement for them to do so.