Roma Rhiannon Davies Roma Rhiannon Davies

Celebrating Roma Culture in Govanhill

International Roma Day in April saw a host of events and activities take place around Govanhill. Melanie Goldberg writes on a striking exhibition and a celebration of this historic culture, in the face of online backlash.

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Community, Issue 6, Politics, Activism, Children and young people Greater Govanhill Notices Community, Issue 6, Politics, Activism, Children and young people Greater Govanhill Notices

Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches (Româna)

Discursurile lui Sammy și Natalia de la Ziua Internațională a Romilor. Au participat la cursul „Community Catalyst” al lui Romano Lav – un grup de 12 tineri romi care au urmat un curs de 8 săptămâni pentru a afla totul despre drepturile lor și cum să lupte pentru ei.

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Community, Issue 6, Politics, Activism, Children and young people Greater Govanhill Notices Community, Issue 6, Politics, Activism, Children and young people Greater Govanhill Notices

Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches (Čeština)

Projevy Sammyho a Natalie z Mezinárodního dne Romů. Zúčastnili se kurzu v Romano Lav’s   ‘Community Catalyst’ – skupina 12 mladých Romů, kteří absolvovali 8 tydenní kurz, v němž se dozvěděli vše o svých právech a o tom, jak za ně bojovat.

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Community, Issue 6, Politics, Activism, Children and young people Greater Govanhill Notices Community, Issue 6, Politics, Activism, Children and young people Greater Govanhill Notices

Roma News & Views: International Roma Day Speeches

On International Roma Day last year, Sammy and Natalia gave speeches to the crowd. Both took part in Romano Lav’s ‘Community Catalysts’ course, in which a  group of 12 Roma young people spent 8 weeks learning about their rights and how to fight for them.

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