Auld Lang Syne: from Scots to Urdu
In celebration of Robert Burns Day, we’re excited to share an Urdu translation of Auld Lang Syne, first translated over two decades ago by Glasgow-based Pakistani poet Rahat Zahid. Now, you can connect with this timeless song in a whole new way.
Pôvodný príbeh Romany Cierhenia –rómskej hviezdy Glasgowa
Aliana Michalewicz si sadne so svojou mamou Sonia, aby sa dozvedela viac o ich fascinujúcom, slávnom rodinnom príbehu zakorenenom v hudbe a tanci, ako to priviedli z Poľska do Glasgowa a ich nádeja do budúcnosti.
Știri și opinii despre romi: Cineast aspirant Lena Popikova privind actiunea socialǎ in comunitǎtile de romi
In our most recent Roma News and Views installment, Lena Popikiova discusses her film "Amen Sam Roma: We are Roma, this is our home," and reflects on the process of bringing it to life.