Connecting Through Community: How community Organisations overcome language barriers in their work
Marzanna Antoniak is an ESOL teacher and former Community Connector in Govanhill. Here she reflects on teaching English in the community as well as chatting to community organisations about how they overcome language barriers in their work.
How Govanhill’s Link Workers Remove Barriers to Accessing Healthcare
“With an intimate knowledge of groups, activities and resources available locally, community link workers play a crucial role in mapping local support systems – keeping individuals and GP practices up to speed with the services available.” - Lottie Hanwell on link workers, writing for our language issue.
Community Link Workers: na straży lepszego dostępu do systemu ochrony zdrowia w Govanhill
– Musimy zdać sobie sprawę, jak wielki wpływ na zdrowie psychiczne oraz fizyczne mogą mieć nasza sytuacja osobista i społeczna – mówi Leanne. This is the translated version of an article on community link workers, which first appeared in our language issue.
Dana Czerepkova - My life before Govanhill
In our regular feature ‘My Life Before Govanhill’ we find out from the diverse community of Govanhill what they got up to before settling around Victoria Road. In this edition, we meet Dana Czerepkova.
The Languages of Plants
“Plants seem to have a language of their own, with which they communicate to us their medicinal properties. In turn, humans have developed various ways of transmitting plant lore, knowledge and medicinal uses of herbs and other plants.” - Beti Scott, Movement in Thyme.
What It’s Like Growing Up in a Multilingual Home
Govanhill is an area where you can walk down the street and hear a different language every step. In fact, one study recorded 88 different languages spoken on Victoria Road after sampling 200 people from one street. But what’s it like to grow up in a multilingual household? Some locals shared their experiences for our language issue.
A Blether with a Bot: Bruce Morton in conversation with GlasgowGPT
Last year the people of Govanhill got the chatbot they didn’t know they needed; a sharp-tongued weegie one. We got comedian Bruce Morton to test it out before the now defunct website was taken down.
Cryptic Crossword Solutions & Explainer - Language Issue
Elusive local group The Anymen published yet another Govanhill-themed cryptic crossword in Language issue. Over the past month, some locals have been sending in their completed crosswords while many more are still scratching their heads with where to start. Take a look at the answers below along with an explainer of each clue.
Știri și opinii despre romi: Limba este un cadouprețios - Este de împărtășit sau de păstrat secret?
In this month of Roma News and Views, Rahela writes about the importance of language preservation and how Romanes, the language spoken by Roma people is being learned by people from Roma and non-Roma backgrounds.
Romské zprávy a názory: Jazyk je vzácný dar – je to sdílení nebo utajení?
In this month of Roma News and Views, Rahela writes about the importance of language preservation and how Romanes, the language spoken by Roma people is being learned by people from Roma and non-Roma backgrounds.