Stories from our streets: Butterbiggins Road
In this new series, we’re exploring Govanhill’s heritage, street by street – starting with Butterbiggins Road. Once an 18th-century hamlet for travelling communities, Butterbiggins evolved from a rural outpost to an industrial hub, and later into the residential street we know today.
Whose City? Our City! Radical Glasgow Tours
Glasgow has a long and storied history, but too often the stories that we hear are those belonging to the rich and powerful men who write the history books. I set off to discover something new about my city by joining two very different tours that brought new perspectives. In this article, I share my experience with Glasgow Radical Tours.
The History of Radical Community Media
Dr Kate Wilson explores how radical community media from the 1970s and 1980s, including Castlemilk Today, The Gorbals View and The Easterhouse Voice, served as organising tools for tenant struggles, helped working-class to challenge power, satirised urban policy, and showcased poetry from local writers.
Occupy! Occupy! Occupy! - The History of Saving Govanhill Baths
What made Govanhill Baths so essential to the community? Why did residents occupy the building to save it, leading to the formation of Govanhill Baths Community Trust? When will the Baths reopen? In this article, Paula Larkin, archivist for the Trust, delves into these questions, exploring the rich history of the Baths and the campaign to preserve them.
City of Empire: I See Your History
City of Empire is a new community-led exhibition at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum that uncovers Glasgow’s deep-rooted links to empire and slavery. Zara Grew met up with the exhibition's Community Curator to find out more.
City of Empire: Q&A with curators of a new exhibition unveiling Glasgow's colonial legacy
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum is home to a new permanent exhibition - City of Empire. An empowering display that unpacks Glasgow’s colonial history. In this article, we learn more about the display from the team that put it together.
Black History Month 2023: What’s Happening in Govanhill?
Black History Month returns with another year of events to celebrate the lives and achievements of Black people in Britain and highlight the injustice they continue to face through political and structural inequalities. So we listed all the local events surrounding Black History Month.
Film: Glasgow Welcomes Refugees
In his documentary Glasgow Welcomes Refugees, South-American Filmmaker Jose Maria Martinelli shares the experiences of two Scottish activists, Jock Morris and Margaret Woods, who detail the history of the Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees.
Affirming Difference and Reclaiming Integration: South Asian History in Glasgow’s Southside
The South Asian community has long been a part of Glasgow’s cultural make-up particularly in the Gorbals and Govanhill. Summer Jamal explores how the community’s history is rooted in colonial history and in doing so offers a contextual critique on traditional integration ideas.
Places to visit in the Southside as part of Glasgow Doors Open Days
The annual event, which this year runs 12th-18th September, celebrates Glasgow’s heritage and culture by throwing open the doors of over 100 historic buildings to the public, for free.
Digging into the History of Queen’s Park
Queen’s Park has stirred the interest of historians and archeologists for a long time. In this article, Ken McElroy explores the fascinating history of how the popular space has been used over time by digging beneath the surface.
Gentrification – a Govanhill Problem?
Gentrification has become a divisive topic on conversations around Govanhill in recent years. Journalist Robbie Armstrong speaks to three of his neighbours on Allison Street to explore the different perspectives on the problem.