The secret life of Queen’s Park
Alison JC Brown takes us on a vivid journey through Queen’s Park, where the thawing winter reveals a bustling world of birdsong, territorial dramas, and nesting waterfowl. From robins' melodies to the fierce devotion of coots, every corner of this Southside gem teems with life and wonder.
Like My Grandmother Used to Make: Celebratory Kashmiri Biryani
For those of us far from our ancestral homelands, connecting to heritage is an act of resilience, joy, and community. This piece explores Sadia Sikandar connection to food, the role it plays in preserving Pakistani culture, and how the culinary traditions of the Kashmiri region bring people together with this Celebratory Kashmiri Biryani.
Pentru Romi, De către Romi (Romanian Translation)
Am fost odată la o ședință care a fost ținută pentru a discuta problemele ce afectează comunitatea de Rromi. Eu am fost singura persoană de etnie Romă în acea încăpere.
Pre Rómov, s Rómami (Slovak Translation)
Raz som sa zúčastnil stretnutia, ktoré sa konalo s cieľom prediskutovať otázky týkajúce sa Rómskej komunity. Bol som jediný Róm v miestnosti. Organizácie hovorili o nás alebo za nás, ale nie s nami. Vtedy sme si uvedomili, že pri práci, ktorú robíme, musíme zvoliť iný prístup.
Rom Romeha - For Roma, By Roma
In Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill magazine, Marek Balog wrote about the new initiative by local organisation, Community Renewal to make sure that Roma people are at the heart of decision making when it comes to their community.
Under the Moon and Stars: A Literary Tour of Govanhill
Did you know that psychedelic psychiatrist RD Laing grew up in Govanhill? Or that John Buchan, author of the 39 Steps lived right around the corner? Have you noticed the there’s not one, but two libraries in Govanhill? In Issue 1, Keir Hind took us on a tour of Govanhill’s literary sights.
Behind the Portrait: Alan Tanner
Originally published in Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill community magazine, this is the first of a series where we get to know the people behind the portraits by Govanhill street photographer, Simon Murphy. First up is psychedelic artist, Alan Tanner who spoke about Dali, dragonflies and drawing.
Transylvanian Recipe: Stuffed Cabbage Rolls
There’s nothing quite like your grandmother’s cooking to transport you to a more familiar setting. In this series, we ask Govanhill locals to share a recipe reminiscent of their homeland, starting with this traditional dish from Transylvania.
Poetry Corner: The Glamorous Southside
Published in Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill, this poem was written as part of the Govanhill Queer Community Banner Project which set out to celebrate the queer community in and around the Southside of Glasgow.
Peek into the Past: Life in 1930s Govanhill
Now 88 years old, former journalist Arthur Oliver was born and brought up in Govanhill, living in Jamieson Street and latterly in Carfin Street until the age of 28. In this first of a series of reflections, he gives an outline of what life was like living in Govanhill in the 1930s.
Sumayya Usmani: Pakistani Food in Govanhill
In Issue 1, food writer and founder of Kaleyard Cook School and Kitchen, Sumayya Usmani, shared some of her favourite places to eat authentic Pakistani cooking in Govanhill and how that made her truly feel at home
Demands & Dreams for the Future: fixing our broken food system
In Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill, the Rumpus Room food working group explored the inherent inequalities in our food system and what can be done to fix them, with a bold new manifesto.
соленья в пандемии
Шли месяцы, а я все еще не могла вернуться к прежней жизни. И, наконец, я поняла, что в моих силах создавать моменты счастья и устанавливать новые связи. Пройдет много времени, прежде чем наша жизнь вернется в прежнее русло. Мне, так или иначе, нужно было установить связь с новым внешним миром.
Pickles in a Pandemic: in search of home
In Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill, Kate Samuels explored what it meant to be away from her home country during lockdown, and how it enabled her to connect with her local community in a new way.
Govanhill’s Past and Future in Four Buildings
In Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill community magazine, Jamie Dyer took a look at some of Govanhill’s iconic buildings, the stories of which reveal both the neighbourhood’s past and future.
BLM: Southside Murals Confronting Racism in Scotland
In Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill, Rachel Dallas wrote about the realities of racism in Scotland today and explained the meaning behind the crowdfunded Glasgow South Anti-Racism Art Project which has resulted in four striking new murals.
'Don't Look Into the Abyss': How two local businesses have adapted to the pandemic
In Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill community magazine, Mina Baird spoke to MILK cafe and Category Is Books to find out how they adapted - and re-adapted - the way they serve the community during difficult times.
Roma News and Views: 'Over to our correspondent in Lugoj!'
At the end of last year, Romano Lav premiered the first episode of a new pilot project, Roma News and Views on YouTube . Roma News and Views was developed during lockdown and is a creative response by Govanhill’s Roma youth to the constraints imposed by the pandemic.
Přes naše korespondenty v Lugoj!
Romano Lav na YouTube premiéru první epizody nového pilotního projektu Roma News and Views. Roma News and Views byl vyvinut během uzamčení a je kreativní reakcí romské mládeže Govanhilla na omezení vyvolaná pandemií.
الاعتناء برفاهيتك في الأوقات الصعبة
باستمرار ، من الصعب معرفة ما يجب علينا ان نفعله من اجل انفسنا شعورنا بعدم الاستقرار اضف الى ماسبق التغيير الذي نعيشه في عالمنا يمثل تحديّاً. ومع ذلك ، هناك العديد من الاشياء التي يمكننا القيام بها لنجتاز هذه التحديات، منها: الاساليب نابعة من تمارين وتقنيات قديمة مثل اليوجا والتأمل ، وهي مانحتاجه اليوم اكثر من اي وقت مضى بسبب الضغوطات التي نعيشه