Issue 9 – What Keeps Us Well? – Out Now!


We’re so excited to share with you the latest issue of the magazine, focused around the theme of health and wellbeing. We’ve already delivered it to a handful of shops and cafes on Victoria Road and will be distributing it around the rest of the neighbourhood this week. If you’d like a copy sent to you, become a member from as little as £3 a month.

A Letter from the Team

Dear Readers, 

Welcome to the first issue of 2023! This issue focuses on health and wellbeing which we’ve been thinking about a lot over the dark winter months. 

Several of the articles form part of our Mind The Health Gap project – our year long collaboration with investigative journalism co-operative, The Ferret – exploring the solutions to health inequalities affecting people within our community. We’re delighted to feature articles written by those who attended our community reporter training last year. More from them in the next issue too!

This issue is also the first that we have fully created in the new Community Newsroom. Having this street level, shop-front space has opened up new opportunities for us to connect and collaborate with others in the neighbourhood. We have been hosting almost weekly events here since the start of the year and have plenty more coming up. Read more about them on our What’s On pages.

We have also welcomed a new member to our team. Juliana Da Penha is the founder of Migrant Women Press and has joined us to help us launch the Scottish Beacon, a network of community-based local news publishers right across Scotland. We’ll be sharing more about this later in the year. Sadly, this issue also marks the end of Becki working with us, and we wish her all the best as she moves onto (acrylic) pastures new, focusing on her nail art, which you can read about in this issue. 

Hope you enjoy reading this jam-packed magazine as much as we enjoyed producing it. 

Yours sincerely

Jack Howse

Editorial Assistant

Of course we couldn’t create such a packed magazine without the help of our community members, thanks so much to everyone who played a part in this magazine… if you’re interested in writing for a future issue, please email


Editor-in-Chief Rhiannon J Davies

Creative Director Laura Hurst

Ad Sales and Partnerships Becki Menzies

Editorial Assistant Jack Howse

Cover Image Daniel Doherty by Eoin Carey

Words by Ania Marchwiak, Arij Alnajjar, Bonnie Thomson, Becki Menzies, Daniel Doherty, David Carr, David Milosiu, Flora Zajicek, Helen Stewart, Inayah Jamil, Jack Howse, Michael McCandlish, Rhiannon J Davies, Marzanna Antoniak, Stefan Krajcik, Toni Bruce, Zanib Ahmad

Photos by Alexander Hoyles, Angela Catlin, Audrey Bizouerne, Becki Menzies, Eoin Carey, Iain McLellan, Michael Paley, Niall Miller, Rhiannon J Davies, Simon Murphy, Stefan Kajcik 

Illustrations by Alastair Quietsch, Esme Balcewicz, giacinta frisillo, Hannah Moshtael, Laura Wade, Rachel Procter, Robert Wilson

Translations by Ania Marchwiak, David Milosiu, Toni Bruce

Printed by Gladstone Media Ltd

A Special Thanks Goes to Our Advertisers

Chickaros, Garolla, StreetLevel Photoworks and Studio 70. We’d also like to thank GCVS for funding our gambling harms special coverage. The Mind the Health Gap project – a year long collaboration with investigative journalism co-op The Ferret exploring solutions to health inequalities –  is funded by the European Journalism Centre, through the Solutions Journalism Accelerator. This fund is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Want to advertise in our next issue? Email 

We’re also grateful to every one of our members who help us to keep going, even when times are tight. If you enjoy the magazine and want to support us, become a member for as little as £3


Volunteer Spotlight: Allan Hughes


International Women's Day Events Around Govanhill