This wild ride we call parenting and what helped us
Rohese Devereux Taylor and Kate Mackay explore the journey of co-founding the Glasgow Homebirth Support Group, the benefits of birthing at home, and the invaluable resources and networks available to parents in Glasgow, from sling libraries to breastfeeding support.
Volunteer Spotlight: Gordon Palmer
Gordon Palmer, spent 19 years as a Minister in the South of Scotland, now, he volunteers at The Well. In the latest issue, we spoke with Palmer and learned about what brought him to the Southside and how supports the visitors at The Well.
Connecting Through Community: How community Organisations overcome language barriers in their work
Marzanna Antoniak is an ESOL teacher and former Community Connector in Govanhill. Here she reflects on teaching English in the community as well as chatting to community organisations about how they overcome language barriers in their work.
How Govanhill’s Link Workers Remove Barriers to Accessing Healthcare
“With an intimate knowledge of groups, activities and resources available locally, community link workers play a crucial role in mapping local support systems – keeping individuals and GP practices up to speed with the services available.” - Lottie Hanwell on link workers, writing for our language issue.
Culturally Sensitive Support: Sahara’s Response to Domestic Violence
The Muslim Women’s Resource Centre's (MWRC) domestic violence helpline is providing a safe and non-judgmental space for Muslims and BME women. And their new Sahara service is ushering in a much needed era of culturally and religiously sensitive support, for survivors with recourse to public funds.
Creating Connections to Combat Loneliness
Loneliness and social isolation affect many people, even in our densely populated neighbourhood. For many these feelings were heightened during lockdowns. But Covid restrictions were lifted almost two years ago, and since then, there has been a resurgence of community spaces opening their doors to welcome people in.