Celebrating International Women’s Day in the Southside
This Saturday marks the beginning of International Women’s Day celebrations, over the next week there are a number of events taking place across the city. We thought we’d round up all the events happening in Govanhill and the wider Southside. Check out our top picks in this article.
This Fertile Ground is Alive
Something very exciting is happening with the young people in Romano Lav’s Community Catalyst programme. This short piece of writing is an attempt to capture something of it.
Rómske správy a názory: Rastieme v našej zadnej záhrade
Slovenský Róm Tomáš a jeho mama Vera si vo svojom dvore vytvorili záhradku, kde pestujú ovocie, zeleninu a kvety. Tomáš má poruchu zraku, kvôli čomu sú jeho oči mimoriadne citlivé na svetlo – to mu však neprekáža v záhradkárčení. Zamierili sme tam, aby sme sa dozvedeli viac…
Roma News and Views: Growing in Our Back Court
Slovak Roma Tomas and his mum Vera have created a garden in their backcourts where they grow fruits, vegetables and flowers. Tomas has a vision impairment which makes his eyes extremely sensitive to light – however this does not stop him gardening. We headed to his garden to find out more…
'Dream Come True' as Romano Lav to Open Scotland's First Roma Cultural Centre
The Roma community in and around Govanhill are celebrating the announcement of plans to establish a Roma cultural centre on Nithsdale Road. The centre will be run by Romano Lav, regular contributors to Greater Govanhill magazine.
Celebrating Roma Culture in Govanhill
International Roma Day in April saw a host of events and activities take place around Govanhill. Melanie Goldberg writes on a striking exhibition and a celebration of this historic culture, in the face of online backlash.