Sharing the outcomes of last Saturday’s litterpick; including thanks to this month’s sponsors for supporting the clean-up, and information on planning ahead for the July clean-up on the last Saturday of the month. Please share with your friends, families, neighbours, and colleagues to support us and help us prepare for the next litterpick.

There were a lot of messy streets when organisers of the monthly Govanhill Clean-up were planning the routes for last Saturday’s litterpick. But on the day of the clean-up, the more than 30 volunteers who showed up to help worked really hard and removed a lot of rubbish.

“An enormous thanks to everyone who helped in any way with our monthly Govanhill clean up on Saturday.” said Karen Palmer, who helped organise the last few litterpicks, “We had over 30 adults, so had enough teams to cover 6 of our 12 planned routes, and they did a power of work.”

6 large sacksful of recyclable materials and 8x13 litre bucketsful of broken glass and glass bottles were counted at the end of the day - not counting the numerous black bags full of general waste that were left at the designated pick-up zones for clearing. After all the hard work, the relatively small group of volunteers were rewarded with refreshments, provided in support by local businesses.

Karen, extending her thanks to those who were able to support the Govanhill Clean-up this time around, said: “We’ve had different businesses/organisations helping with refreshments at each litterpick and this time around it was newly opened Favourite Spot, 356 Allison St, who provided everyone with a delicious cupcake, and Loop and Scoop who provided us all with ice cream - so we are very grateful to both business for the much needed sugar boost that gave us!”

She went on to thank Greater Govanhill CIC, Govanhill Community Development Trust, Govanhill Housing Association and Glasgow City Council “for their support and encouragement.” and to Govanhill Free Church “for hosting us in their building.”

Message by community clean-up co-organiser, Karen Palmer:

We would love to do better, and to cover all our planned routes each month. We know the litter builds up again quickly, but we want to raise morale, even for a short time, and raise awareness, which hopefully lasts much longer! If you can join us, our next litterpick is the last Saturday in July and it would be great to see you.

If you are a business or organisation who would like to support us, please do get in touch by either emailing myself at, or by speaking to Devon or Rhiannon in the Community Newsroom on 82 Bowman Street, or by dropping them an email at or

Thank you!

If you would like to join the Govanhill Community Clean-up group, follow this link and register your interest:

Once signed-up, you should receive updates regarding any future planning meetings or clean-ups in the area organised by the group.


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Govanhill Community Clean-up — Saturday 29 June