Community journalism opportunity for women negatively impacted by gambling


In order to raise awareness and reduce stigma around gambling – often seen as a hidden addiction – Greater Govanhill is running a journalism skills course for women who have been negatively affected by this issue. Scroll down to sign up – and please share with anyone who might benefit.

Are you

  • A woman with a connection to Govanhill/the Southside or Glasgow more widely?

  • Interested in storytelling, journalism, and making change?

  • Someone who has been negatively impacted by gambling, either your own or someone else’s (this might include poor mental health, financial trouble, relationship breakdown or other challenges)?

Greater Govanhill magazine is looking for participants who meet the criteria above to take part in an 8-week, paid community journalism course. With the support of experienced journalists and researchers, you will learn journalism and storytelling skills, take part in participatory action research designed to spark community action, and ultimately plan and produce a story for the magazine on some aspect of gambling-related harm. 

The course will take place between 19th August and 10th October with 2x 90 minute in-person sessions per week. Participants will be paid £45 per week and support will be provided for childcare where needed. 

The course is being delivered by:

  • Rhiannon Davies, founder and editor of Greater Govanhill

  • Eve Livingston, journalist specialising in working with marginalised communities

  • Annette Fisher, researcher specialising in participatory action research with vulnerable communities

The course will include:

  • Training on storytelling, investigative journalism, writing and editing, interview techniques and more

  • Inputs from a range of Scotland’s top journalists 

  • The opportunity to produce a published piece of journalism in any format  

  • Time and space to engage in participatory action research - this is an approach developed by feminists and experiential learning practitioners to empower people to reflect and plan community action 

We will provide:

  • Payment for participation - £45 per week

  • Support with childcare 

  • Signposting for further support

  • A certificate of completion

  • Copies of the magazine with all the articles in it

If you’re interested or would like more information, please fill in our short form at before 5pm on 1st August.

If you would like more information, you can drop into our community conversation on this topic between 6.30pm-7.30pm on Monday 29th July at The Community Newsroom, 82 Bowman Street, G42 8LF - or email


(DIS)COMFORT: “Paradoxes of the Heart”


What happened at this Saturday’s Govanhill Clean-up?