Take part in a survey on Adult and Young Carer's strategies in Glasgow

If you’re a carer or are involved in identifying, involving or supporting unpaid carers, you are invited to take part in the review of Glasgow’s City Health and Social Care Partnership Carer Strategies. The 2019-2022 Carer Strategies, Short Breaks Statement and Eligibility Criteria are available.

These documents must be reviewed and published every 3 years. The aim is to review and publish the strategies online during Carers Week June 2022. However, publication may be delayed as the review will also take into consideration the findings of the Independent Review of adult Social Care. The most recent Glasgow City Integration Joint Board Carer Strategy Implementation Update is available.

The pandemic continues to significantly disrupt the ability of Glasgow HSCP to identify, involve and support Glasgow’s caring community. Due to COVID 19, traditional methods of consultation will not be possible. In order to include a wide range of voices Glasgow HSCP Carer Services will be contacting carers, organisations that support carers, running focus groups online and asking people visit Have Your Say

To find out more about Glasgow’s Carer Strategies carers click on the following link https://www.yoursupportglasgow.org/glasgow-homepage/pages/are-you-an-unpaid-carer/content/your-right-as-a-carer/

The survey should take around 10 – 15 minutes to complete, and it’ll be open until 28 November 2021. You don't need to complete every question.

If you require a printed copy or alternative format of the survey, then please telephone the Carer Information Line on 0141 353 6504 or email info@glasgowcarersinformation.org.uk


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