Join WEvolution: support groups creating connection, savings and capital.

Many people are trying to help communities get back in their feet following COVID. WEvolution support people to start small peer-led groups that generate connections, savings and capital for its members and we're looking for people to help us support more people, quicker.

A Self-Reliant Group (SRG) is a small group of people – usually between 3 and 10 - that come together to meet, save and create opportunities and micro-enterprises. The model is inspired by similar groups in India – Self-Help Groups - where women pool their resources, share skills and become financially stable. Many of us fail to see ourselves as producers and makers; self-Reliant Groups help us realise our potential.

This interactive training will equip you to facilitate the start-up of these groups using our simple four-step kit. We appreciate that people need to invest their time wisely these days(!) so please do consider the taster if the full training just isn’t feasible.

Full training - 17-19 November:
Taster session - 30 November:

Extra info: Read about our work here:
Visit our community site here:
For any enquiries, please contact us on or call 07592537736


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