Interested in local environment & taking pictures? Join new green map photo project


Notice from Becky Duncan of Open Aye:

Open Aye is partnering on a great new project with the UoG GALLANT team. The GALLANT Green Photo Map project.

I'm going to facilitate some participatory photo workshops around the Southside, with the aim of looking at / discussing and potentially photographing existing projects implementing tangible climate solutions, happening in Glasgow now. This will link into the wider GALLANT project. 

We'd like to build a visual photo map of great projects in Glasgow, which could potentially be made as an open resource for folk to use. The project is designed to get folk together who care about sustainability issues and who'd like to investigate the subject through photography. But all photo abilities are welcome! Each session will be a combination of photo inspirations, positive chat, photo activities and visits to great projects. 

The series of photo sessions will be part of a wider engagement  & research programme by GALLANT and there'll be opportunities for participants to get more involved in this too, if they want to. 

We are currently recruiting the team (of 12) now, so if you, or anyone you know, might be interested feel free to shout!

Im happy to welcome staff / volunteers / org members / general public / interested minds & photography enthusiasts alike. 

I think if folk care about the environment / community / creative climate solutions.. then this will be a project they enjoy.

We will meet in the Southside on Saturday mornings, from 10.30am, at the Govanhill Community Newsroom, from 25th Feb, for 5 weeks. I have 12 spaces available to book.

To book….

Email:, Call: 07903020937

Or sign up via this link.


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