From Isolation to Empowerment: Meet Glasgow's Feel Good Women
The Feel Good Women’s Group is a valued space for many South Asian residents grappling with isolation and mental health challenges. In this article we delve into its impact, exploring the stories of resilience and community that have become the cornerstone of its existence.
Community Solutions to Health Inequalities: Insights from The Mind The Health Gap Project
This year Greater Govanhill and The Ferret hosted the final Mind The Health Gap event as the year long project comes to a close. We summarised the key insights from the event below.
From football to art classes: How local survivor groups provide a safe haven
Local groups like The Survivor Arts Community and The Cathkin Blazes have been running projects geared towards survivors, with the aim of providing a safe space to socialise, create and play.
Forragear alimentos pode ajudar a nos conectar?
Forragear e permanecer conectado à natureza pode nos ajudar a melhorar nosso bem-estar físico e mental. Rhys Delany juntou-se a um dos muitos passeios de forrageamento oferecidos ao redor do Southside para descobrir mais.
Five Ways to Stay Positive in the Face of Climate Meltdown
“The climate crisis is huge and scary. Even the most environmentally aware of us instinctively want to suppress that fear, to put it on the bottom of the mental list and wish it would go away”. The fight for climate justice wearing you down? Read a handy illustrated guide for an environmentally-conscious morale boost.
الاعتناء برفاهيتك في الأوقات الصعبة
باستمرار ، من الصعب معرفة ما يجب علينا ان نفعله من اجل انفسنا شعورنا بعدم الاستقرار اضف الى ماسبق التغيير الذي نعيشه في عالمنا يمثل تحديّاً. ومع ذلك ، هناك العديد من الاشياء التي يمكننا القيام بها لنجتاز هذه التحديات، منها: الاساليب نابعة من تمارين وتقنيات قديمة مثل اليوجا والتأمل ، وهي مانحتاجه اليوم اكثر من اي وقت مضى بسبب الضغوطات التي نعيشه
Looking after your wellbeing in a pandemic
With unexpected pressures, very different day-to-day lives and ever-changing circumstances, it’s difficult to quite know what to do with ourselves. Here are our top five tips for sticking to a routine and creating a practice that works for you.