Making a real difference: How to build a community litter picking group
In this series of articles, we hear from resident, Aoife Hutton, who was tired of seeing litter on her street and started taking care of it herself. What started as a solo two-hour morning litter pick has evolved into a monthly Govanhill-wide litter picking group with community groups and residents.
Tackling carbon footprint through community composting
The Hidden Gardens and GALLANT’s Compost Co-Lab is engaging with communities and helping Glasgow residents adopt sustainable practices through hands on composting experience helping to manage food waste and contribute to reducing the city’s carbon footprint.
‘Stop Fly Tipping’ Says St Bride’s P6s
Primary 6s at St Brides are are taking a closer look at the issue of fly tipping and went on a walkabout to identify the issue. To raise awareness, they have made posters and below are extracts from some of the letters they wrote to Glasgow MSP Patrick Harvie to call for action.
What Can We Do About the State of our Lanes?
What can be done to prevent littering and fly tipping in our lanes and back courts, when they are privately owned and the council does not take any responsibility? How can we make our neighbourhood cleaner and safer? Share your experiences, and tell us what you think should be done.
‘We all need to play our part’: Beatrice Onashile is on a mission to keep her street clean
As a week of action in Govanhill takes a multi-agency approach to cleaning up the neighbourhood, we spoke to one resident who heads out every day to make a difference. This article first appeared in Issue 5 of the print magazine.
What’s happening with our bins?
In recent weeks, residents across Glasgow have been complaining about rising rubbish levels, with bins not being collected for several weeks. Meanwhile one group of residents has come up with a solution to simply the messaging around refuse.
Tackling Rubbish: Different Approaches From Around the World
Taking a solutions-focused approach to the issue of waste, Danny Macpherson exploresthe different ways issues surrounding rubbish are being tackled in neighbourhoods across the globe. Originally published as part of our special focus on rubbish in Issue 2.
Living Rent Taking on the Council with Neighbourhood Power
In Issue 2, we took a look at the different ways communities and local organisations are tackling cleansing issues in the neighbourhood. Living Rent, Scotland’s tenants union have been taking the fight to the council and demanding action.