Community, Issue 14, Activism Greater Govanhill Notices Community, Issue 14, Activism Greater Govanhill Notices

Crossword Solutions—Community Action Issue

Elusive local group The Anymen published another Govanhill-themed cryptic crossword in our latest issue on Community Action. Over the past month, some locals have been sending in their completed crosswords while many more are scratching their heads with where to start. Take a look at the answers below along with an explainer of each clue.

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Issue 13, Languages Greater Govanhill Notices Issue 13, Languages Greater Govanhill Notices

Cryptic Crossword Solutions & Explainer - Language Issue

Elusive local group The Anymen published yet another Govanhill-themed cryptic crossword in Language issue. Over the past month, some locals have been sending in their completed crosswords while many more are still scratching their heads with where to start. Take a look at the answers below along with an explainer of each clue.

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Issue 12, Govanhill, Art & Culture Greater Govanhill Notices Issue 12, Govanhill, Art & Culture Greater Govanhill Notices

Crossmyword: Answers and Explainers to Greater Govanhill's Autumn Crossword

The Anymen have done it again with yet another cryptic crossword. Over the past month our readers and residents have been sending in their cryptic crossword answers, with varying degrees of success. If you’re still stuck then take a look at the answers and explainers below.

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