Heritage, Community, Women Greater Govanhill Notices Heritage, Community, Women Greater Govanhill Notices

‘Women of Donegal’ will be projected onto The Community Newsroom window for one night only this Saturday

Celebrate International Women’s Day with a powerful exhibition in the Community Newsroom window, featuring archival images of Donegal women. The projection highlights their migration story, strength, and impact across borders – including here in Govanhill.

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local business, Community, history, Issue 15, Heritage, Photography Greater Govanhill Notices local business, Community, history, Issue 15, Heritage, Photography Greater Govanhill Notices

Greater Govanhill Photography Group: Then & Now

In our last issue, we asked our photography team to look at old pictures of places in Govanhill and take new pictures of those same places today. In this article we share the results of that photo challenge assigned to the group for our local heritage issue.

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Community, Issue 15, Heritage, Art & Culture Greater Govanhill Notices Community, Issue 15, Heritage, Art & Culture Greater Govanhill Notices

Behind the Portrait: JR Ewan

JR Ewan, co-founder of Glasgow’s Southside Studios, is an artist and maker whose journey is marked by his family’s legacy and his own creative evolution. In this edition of Behind the Portrait he shares his insights into his creative process and his experiences working with diverse artists at Project Ability and his own Southside Studios.

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Community, Issue 15, Heritage Greater Govanhill Notices Community, Issue 15, Heritage Greater Govanhill Notices

Dusting off the memories: On the importance of archives

Archives exist as a means to connect us to our past, whether personal, social or connected to a particular place or movement. Preserving these stories provides a chance to learn from what’s gone before. In this article we explore the personal archive of a former Queen’s Park Camera member and share some of the local archives in the Southside.

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Community, Issue 15, Food, Heritage Greater Govanhill Notices Community, Issue 15, Food, Heritage Greater Govanhill Notices

Back to the future: Could we see the return of the public diner?

It’s not as well known but before the UK had a national health service, it had a national restaurant service. British Restaurants were state-supported restaurants serving affordable meals to the general public.Glasgow used to have at least 10 of these restaurants... Now there is a call to bring them back.

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Issue 15, Heritage Greater Govanhill Notices Issue 15, Heritage Greater Govanhill Notices

If these walls could talk: Southside pubs

As hubs of social life, pubs have been woven into the fabric of British culture, serving as gathering spots for generations. Through James Bowden’s photographs, taken in the late 80s, we delve into the history and community spirit of the Southside’s drinking establishments. What we found were stories of protest, preservation of Scotland’s footballing legacy, the centre of a manhunt and more.

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