Agnew Lane celebrates spring with a bonfire and community spirit
Nestled in the heart of the Southside, Agnew Lane’s community garden, a reclaimed patch of land, has become a hub of connection. Celebrating the Spring Equinox, locals gathered for an evening of food, song and stories around the warmth of a bonfire.
Annie’s Loo: People Power and the toilet which changed tenement living
In the 1970s, architects harnessed people power to change the way we live. The story of Annie’s Loo can teach us about proofing our homes for an uncertain future.
Plant Grow Share: Don’t let it go to waste
Plant Grow Share delivers donated produce by bike to food banks and community groups, tackling food insecurity and reducing waste across Glasgow's Southside. Now they are reaping the rewards of their efforts and tenacity.
New build residential development at Butterbiggins Road is officially underway
The construction of a new flatted social housing development in Govanhill began this week with the ceremonial breaking of the ground, which is the first symbolic shovelling of dirt on the site to mark the occasion.
Making a real difference: How we used the Lane Improvement Fund to transform Kingarth Lane
Once labelled the ‘worst for fly-tipping in Glasgow’, before the end of last year you would have found Kingarth Lane at Bowman Street full of sofas, mattresses, carpets, fridges and bags of household rubbish. Then in November 2023 the Lane Community group was successful in getting gates erected with the hope that they would bring an end to the endemic fly tipping issue.
Making a real difference: How to build a community litter picking group
In this series of articles, we hear from resident, Aoife Hutton, who was tired of seeing litter on her street and started taking care of it herself. What started as a solo two-hour morning litter pick has evolved into a monthly Govanhill-wide litter picking group with community groups and residents.
‘I must believe there’s more good in the world, even if I don’t feel it now’: US-born locals on Trump’s re-election
On Novermber, over half of the US population relected Donald Trump as their President for the next four years. The world held it's breathe and watched on as such an important election played out, one which will have a major impact on not just the US but the rest of the world. We asked Govanhill locals hailing from the US for their reactions following his win.
What changes would you like to see in Queen’s Park neighbourhoods?
A community consultation took place earlier this month to keep local people informed on the Local Place Plan for Govanhill. The group behind the consultation have now moved the project into it’s second stage and are asking local people to take part in a short online survey. Find out how you can get involved.
Free Meals and Music Lessons: Big Noise Govanhill Supports 100 Local Children Over the Summer
Big Noise Govanhill’s free summer holiday club provided nearly 1,000 meals and fun, educational activities for local children, supporting families through music education, social projects, and essential care during the longest school break.
80 Bankhall Street: Over a century of life in one tenement
This article is a semi-fictionalized attempt to track one Govanhill building over time. None of the people in this story are the real inhabitants of 80 Bankhall street; characters have been created around what would have been ‘typical’ in Govanhill at the time.
An interview with Peter Mohan, author of "Cheers, Govanhill!"
Peter Mohan, the voice behind the popular blog "Cheers, Govanhill!", shares his journey to becoming a celebrated local writer, and insights into his views on the ever-changing landscape of Govanhill, as well as the inspiration behind his new book.