What changes would you like to see in Queen’s Park neighbourhoods?
A community consultation took place earlier this month to gather feedback on the Local Place Plan. The group behind the consultation have now moved the project into it’s second stage and are asking local people to take part in a short online survey. Find out how you can get involved.
Consultation at the Glasshouse, Queen's Park, September 1 2024.
By Devon McCole | Photo by Queen’s Park Neighbourhoods
Queen’s Park Neighbourhoods (QPN), a collaborative initiative by the neighbouring Community Councils for Shawlands & Strathbungo and Langside, Camphill & Battlefield, hosted a community consultation in the Glasshouse, Queen’s Park, at the beginning of the month.
During the consultation they displayed banners with the question: ‘Imagine QPN in 20 years’ time... what improvements have been made that make it a better place to live?’
QPN’s aim is to ensure their Local Place Plan (LPP) for communities neighbouring Queen’s Park is in line with the communities’ real needs. They’ve been doing this by conducting surveys and hosting consultations to keep the community informed on and engaged with by following a planning approach that is designed to meet the specific needs of the community through collaboration with residents and local businesses or organisations.
Speaking about why their work is so important, they state: “QPN is about local people taking initiative and leading in uniting the neighbourhoods surrounding Queen’s Park. Our ambition is to develop a Local Place Plan (LPP) by the community, for the community, to create a locally-driven vision for our neighbourhoods and park.”
Stage 2 survey QR code
Their consultants, Kevin Murray Associates, were there sharing the results of the initial online survey, of which gathered lots of feedback on peoples’ main priorities regarding the LPP. and local stakeholders hosted their own stalls to engage with those in the community who came along.
They are now moving into Stage 2 and have shared another survey to help refine the key themes and ideas into practical projects that will be at the heart of the Local Place Plan for Queen’s Park Neighbourhoods.
You can share your thoughts with them using the QR code or clicking on this link and help shape the LLP.
What is the focus of an LPP?
Local Place Plans are a way for local people to influence how their places develop over time. They can map important local assets and services, and outline future projects.
Now is an opportunity to identify the needs of the local community and put them into a cohesive plan.
This plan will be owned by the community and available to any service providers and community members interested in new opportunities for QPN and taking them forward. By showing a clear strategy, planned and supported by the community, this plan can help in applications to win funding for local projects.
To stay and touch and learn more, visit www.qpn.org.uk.