Like My Grandmother Used to Make: Afghan Bolani and Chutney
Nothing brings back memories like home cooking. In this series, residents from Govanhill share their family’s recipes so everyone can have a taste of home. This edition its an Afghan recipe that reminds the cook of family gatherings.
Changing Perceptions - and Building Community - Online
How social media became a way to meet like minded people for local teenager, and contributing photographer to Greater Govanhill, Dylan Lombard.
Behind the Portrait: Marilena Vlachopoulou
Next up in our Behind the Portrait, where we profile people snapped by Simon Murphy, we speak to an ex-student of his, Marilena Vlachopoulou, who shares her passion for photography and music.
Mind the Health Gap Podcast - Out Now!
Tune into our new three-part podcast, co-created by The Ferret, where we delve into three health inequalities identified as of greatest concern in Scotland - and look into potential solutions around the country and further afield.
Crossmyword: Answers and Explainers to Greater Govanhill's First Crossword
Elusive local group The Anymen published their first Govanhill-themed cryptic crossword in our latest issue. Over the past month, some locals have been sending in their completed crosswords while many more are scratching their heads with where to start. Take a look at the answers below along with an explainer of each clue.
Improving Maternal and Neonatal Health in Bihar
As part of our Mind the Health Gap project, we are exploring solutions to health inequalities beyond our borders. Dyuti Sen writes for Feminism in India about how community education is helping to alleviate maternal mortality rates in Bihar, a rural and densely populated state in East India.
Amma Birth Companions: Support When You Need it Most
We chat to Amma Birth Companions about the valuable work they do in advocating for expectant refugee and asylum seekers. They tell us about the health inequalities that women of colour experience when accessing maternal health services.
The Beauty - and Challenges - of Motherhood
A poignant piece on the challenges of motherhood from Mary and how the asylum system shaped her experiences of birth.
Peer Support: How Rom Romeha built a community approach to removing barriers
Benjamin Kritikos, exploring why there’s such a pressing need for local solutions powered by the people most affected by them, spoke with people from Community Renewal Trust Rom Romeha (‘For Roma, By Roma’), to find out how they are tackling health inequalities and improving the quality of life for the neighbourhoods Roma community.
That's It for Govanhill International Festival 2023!
“Govanhill illustrates all that is wonderful about Scotland… We welcome diversity, we welcome inclusion” – local MSP Nicola Sturgeon speaking at this year’s carnival. It was another packed year for ‘Scotland premium international festival’ . Here are some of our highlights.
How a live show on Radio Buena Vida killed my performance anxiety
Last Friday I hosted a live radio show with local people from the community. This is the story of how we managed to produce and present an hour long radio show together with the help of Greater Govanhill and Radio Buena Vida, and how it changed the way I feel about my performance anxiety.
Film: Glasgow Welcomes Refugees
In his documentary Glasgow Welcomes Refugees, South-American Filmmaker Jose Maria Martinelli shares the experiences of two Scottish activists, Jock Morris and Margaret Woods, who detail the history of the Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees.
Just How Effective is Scotland's Free Period Product Policy?
Free period products have been part of Scotland’s legislation since 2021 through The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act. Since then, the country has been recognised as a world pioneer in tackling period poverty. Greater Govanhill reporters spoke with community members and organisations to understand more about how this legislation works in practice.
Issue 11 – Finding Strength in Community – Out Now!
It’s that time again! We’re so excited to share with you the latest issue of the magazine, focused on how the community is responding to health inequalities.
Govanhill Festival: An Interview with Poet, Harry Josephine Giles
Ahead of an event at Bee Knees cafe as part of Govanhill International Festival, we catch up with author Harry Josephine Giles to chat about their 2013 residency at Govanhill Baths and their latest work ‘Deep Wheel Orcadia’.
Fabiola Santana: A Home For Grief in Govanhill
Fabiola Santana is an artist living in Liverpool. She works internationally as a dancer and performer and recently she brought her A Home for Grief installation to the Southside. In an interview with Greater Govanhill she opens up about losing her father, the grief that followed and how this loss inspired A Home for Grief.
Dreams for Albert Road
How would you transform your street to encourage more outdoor living? Residents and businesses share their ideas while pondering how these changes would impact community and local trade
Greater Govanhill team launches The Scottish Beacon: a Scotland-wide collaborative journalism project!
The Scottish Beacon: an innovative new collaborative project connecting up independent community-based news publishers has been launched by the team at Greater Govanhill.
Behind the Portrait: Trackie McLeod
Next up in our Behind the Portrait, where we profile people snapped by Simon Murphy, we speak to the up-and-coming artist Trackie Mcleod about his work, growing up in Glasgow and why Scots get his art the most.
Rómske správy a názory: Rastieme v našej zadnej záhrade
Slovenský Róm Tomáš a jeho mama Vera si vo svojom dvore vytvorili záhradku, kde pestujú ovocie, zeleninu a kvety. Tomáš má poruchu zraku, kvôli čomu sú jeho oči mimoriadne citlivé na svetlo – to mu však neprekáža v záhradkárčení. Zamierili sme tam, aby sme sa dozvedeli viac…