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The Dark Philosophers read... 'Border Country' by Raymond Williams

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The Dark Philosophers read... 'Border Country' by Raymond Williams
18:00 – 19:30pm, Wednesday 9 September | Zoom
£4 (All fees go towards keeping the doors of The Outwith Agency open)
Hosted by The Outwith Agency and Cymry Glasgow

When railway signalman Harry Price suffers a stroke, his son Matthew, a lecturer in London, makes a return to the border village of Glynmawr. As the two men struggle with their memories of social and personal change, a beautiful and moving portrait of the love between a father and son emerges.

Join The Dark Philosophers to discuss Raymond Williams’ classic novel, which draws closely on his own life experiences. We’ll also read extracts from some of his critical works alongside his fiction, dipping our toes into his hugely influential body of cultural thinking.

Try to read 'Border Country' in advance if possible, but don’t worry if you can’t – we’ll read passages aloud during the session.

The Dark Philosophers is an open reading group which brings the literature of Wales out of the shadows. Encompassing writing in Welsh and English, contemporary and ancient, rural and urban, we aim to build a reading list as expansive and complex as this small nation itself.

Raymond Williams was born in 1921 in the Welsh border village of Pandy. He taught at both Oxford and Cambridge, and in 1974 was appointed as Professor of Drama at Cambridge. His best-known publications include; Culture and Society (1958), The Long Revolution (1961), The Country and the City (1973), Keywords (1976) and Marxism and Literature (1977).

Casi Dylan works as Cultural Activities Coordinator at the University of Glasgow. As well as The Dark Philosophers, she runs a monthly Welsh-language reading group as part of the Cymry Glasgow community.

Book your place here

Feel free to contact group convenor Casi Dylan with any questions:

Follow us on Twitter @OutwithThe and @CymryGlasgow

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