Remembering Together: Glasgow's Covid Memorial


Remembering Together: Glasgow’s Covid Memorial, is a national project, funded by the Scottish Government and managed by Greenspace Scotland and Govanhill Baths Community Trust

Remembering Together has commissioned artists in all 32 local authority areas in Scotland to co-create with communities, honouring the people we have lost during Covid and finding the ways we want to remember them. The project has been divided into two stages; Phase 1 has been completed, and we are currently in Phase 2 which Govanhill Baths Community Trust (GBCT) is leading on. 

Phase 1: A Story and Colour Collection
Commissioned Phase 1 artist, Audrey O’Brien, hosted 18 creative sessions with 9 key community groups in different parts of the city. A story and Colour Collection emerged from this. To read more about phase 1 visit our website. 

Phase 2:
After a year of community engagement in Phase 1, GBCT has commissioned the duo, littlewhitehead. Now in phase 2 the duo will create four stunning memorial sculptures paying tribute to those who have passed away, in four public parks across Glasgow.

Festival of Remembering Together
The launch of the memorials will take place in June 2024 as part of a city-wide Festival of Remembering Together. This will see each of the designated parks hosting a memorial launch event with music, dance and performance. 

For updates on the project follow our social media accounts linked below or visit GBCT’s website. 


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