Govanhill Community Garden: A Chance to Remember Our Loved Ones
An event will be held at the Govanhill Community Remembrance Garden this Saturday in honour of lost loved ones. All residents are welcome to come along pay their respects during the open service, which will pay special affection to the late Debbie McInally, former staff member of Govanhill Housing Association.
Image of Govanhill Community Remembrance Garden.
This Saturday, local residents are invited to come along to the Govanhill Community Garden for a special memorial service to honour their loved ones. Celebrant Colette Robinson will lead the memorial, which will kick off at 12pm.
Staff from Govanhill Housing Association (GHA) are also invited to pay their respects to the late Debbie McInally, who passed away this summer and whose name has now been placed on the tree of remembrance in time for tomorrow.
GHA's post in honour of Debbie after her passing.
Staff gardener Graham Steel told Greater Govanhill that he and a team of ten other volunteers have been preparing the garden for tomorrow’s memorial: “I knew Debbie, she worked closely with the community garden and I hear she loved the space. We have been keeping the space maintained for the service and ten days ago we placed her name on the tree of remembrance.”
Generally people come down to remember their loved ones and we give those people their space if they want it. So, whilst special affection will be paid to Debbie, we also want to invite all residents to the memorial this Saturday, where they will get the chance to remember their own loved ones during the service."
The weather is set to be dry tomorrow, which is welcome news to people interested in attending. For those that turn up, tea, coffee, biscuits and cake will be served during the service.
The garden itself is a hidden gem in Govanhill and people are welcome to visit it in their own time. It offers a quiet space for contemplation and remembrance for those who need it.