Govanhill Community Clean-up – Saturday 27 July

Join the Govanhill Litter Pick group for another community organised clean-up in Govanhill this Saturday

Poster design by Eddie Philips

You can now stay up-to-date with the Govanhill Litter Pick group by following them on Instagram at @govanhill_literpick and liking their page on Facebook; just search for the Govanhill Community Litter Pick.

The group is also calling on volunteers to join them and is asking local businesses to consider sponsoring their monthly community clean-up to help pay for equipment and refreshments needed. If any local businesses are interested in supporting the Govanhill Litter Pick group, they can contact the organisers by email at


Govanhill Community Litterpick — Saturday 31 August


(DIS)COMFORT: “Paradoxes of the Heart”