Get involved with LGBT History month - February 2022


LGBT Youth Scotland are inviting people to get involved with LGBT History month in February. The theme for 2022 is Blurring Borders. A World in Motion.

This year, we’re inviting you to think beyond borders.

To consider that, while Scotland has made great strides towards equality, the journey has come at a slower pace in some parts of the world, and faster in others.

To recognise that the direction of travel has not always been linear; the waves of progress have ebbed and flowed.

And to ask ourselves: what is Scotland’s place within this global movement?

In February 2022, take part in LGBT History Month by blurring borders and exploring the waves of LGBT liberation and community across the globe.

Read more here.

Get involved

We've put together an Action Pack with tips and ideas on how you can get involved, whether you're hosting an event or want to join the conversation in other ways.

When you're ready to submit your event (whether it’s online, in-person, open to the public, private, or a planned social media activity) for listing on our website, just fill out the Event Submission Form and we'll add it to the site. There are no deadlines for event submission, as we know that smaller community groups sometimes take a little more time to submit. 

Spread the word
Your support in spreading the world about LGBT History Month and theme for 2022 is hugely appreciated.

You can do this by:


Background on LGBT History Month

LGBT History Month takes place in February every year and offers the chance to connect and to reflect on the past and present of the LGBT community. It’s an opportunity to celebrate LGBT culture and progress towards equality over time, and to explore what the lessons of history can teach us for the future.

While we at LGBT Youth Scotland create the annual theme and co-ordinate the website and event listings, LGBT History Month can only exist with your support.

The events which take place throughout the month are delivered by community groups, schools, volunteers, activists, and organisations from the private, public and third sectors.

The theme is intended to inspire, engage and provoke conversation – what that looks like is entirely up to you.


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