Victoria Road to Close for Essential Work
Govanhill’s Victoria Road to close tomorrow for essential work on along the busy carriage way until Wednesday evening. The works are part of a rejuvenation of the carriageway which has served as a crucial route for Southside commuters since the late 19th century.
Crossmyword: Answers and Explainers to Greater Govanhill's First Crossword
Elusive local group The Anymen published their first Govanhill-themed cryptic crossword in our latest issue. Over the past month, some locals have been sending in their completed crosswords while many more are scratching their heads with where to start. Take a look at the answers below along with an explainer of each clue.
How a live show on Radio Buena Vida killed my performance anxiety
Last Friday I hosted a live radio show with local people from the community. This is the story of how we managed to produce and present an hour long radio show together with the help of Greater Govanhill and Radio Buena Vida, and how it changed the way I feel about my performance anxiety.
Dreams for Albert Road
How would you transform your street to encourage more outdoor living? Residents and businesses share their ideas while pondering how these changes would impact community and local trade
Sipping Through the Summer Heat
There might be some uncertainty about whether the summer heat will return. However, we can guarantee that these drinks will quench your thirst. Shikanjvi and Lassi are much loved desi drinks that you can make at home with just a few ingredients that will satisfy your thirst and aid with digestion.