Community, Exercise, LGBTQ+, Sport, Women, Health and wellbeing, Art & Culture Greater Govanhill Notices Community, Exercise, LGBTQ+, Sport, Women, Health and wellbeing, Art & Culture Greater Govanhill Notices

From football to art classes: How local survivor groups provide a safe haven

Local groups like The Survivor Arts Community and The Cathkin Blazes have been running projects geared towards survivors, with the aim of providing a safe space to socialise, create and play.

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Collaboration, Community, Issue 10, Rumpus Room, LGBTQ+, Climate Change Greater Govanhill Notices Collaboration, Community, Issue 10, Rumpus Room, LGBTQ+, Climate Change Greater Govanhill Notices

Grounded, rooted, growing: the queer joys of gardening

Queer and trans identity can mean it isn’t always comfortable to be relaxed and authentic in a gardening environment, and having groups that don’t present this barrier can be important. Dylan Beck reports on the growth of  LGBTQI+ inclusive gardening groups in the Southside.

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