Victoria Road to Close for Essential Work
Govanhill’s Victoria Road to close tomorrow for essential work on along the busy carriage way until Wednesday evening. The works are part of a rejuvenation of the carriageway which has served as a crucial route for Southside commuters since the late 19th century.
New build residential development at Butterbiggins Road is officially underway
The construction of a new flatted social housing development in Govanhill began this week with the ceremonial breaking of the ground, which is the first symbolic shovelling of dirt on the site to mark the occasion.
City of Empire: Q&A with curators of a new exhibition unveiling Glasgow's colonial legacy
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum is home to a new permanent exhibition - City of Empire. An empowering display that unpacks Glasgow’s colonial history. In this article, we learn more about the display from the team that put it together.