Community, Issue 14, Activism, Heritage Greater Govanhill Notices Community, Issue 14, Activism, Heritage Greater Govanhill Notices

When Paul Robeson Came to Queen’s Park

Govanhill has long been known as a place of resistance, where solidarity spills over into protest, and where people aren’t afraid to stand up for what they believe in. This article on civil rights activist, Paul Robeson’s visit to Queen’s Park makes up part of our Timeline of Resistance piece. This was featured in our latest issue on community action, showcasing a few inspiring actions that happened locally.

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Govanhill Just Won't Stop

Two local writers shared their pen-scribbles on what the area means to them, in specially commissioned pieces for Greater Govanhill’s Arts, Culture & Subculture issue. This is Peter Mohan’s, Govanhill Just Won’t Stop.

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Peer Support: How Rom Romeha built a community approach to removing barriers

Benjamin Kritikos, exploring why there’s such a pressing need for local solutions powered by the people most affected by them, spoke with people from Community Renewal Trust Rom Romeha (‘For Roma, By Roma’), to find out how they are tackling health inequalities and improving the quality of life for the neighbourhoods Roma community.

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