To celebrate 5 years of Greater Govanhill CIC, can you help us reach 100 new members?
We’re taking a moment to reflect back on 5 years since we established Greater Govanhill as a social enterprise, the achievements and journey so far. But running a grassroots community media project is always a struggle. Can you help us to become sustainable with a few pounds each month?
Exactly five years ago, I took a leap of faith and registered Greater Govanhill as a social enterprise. What started as a simple idea – to tell the real stories of this neighbourhood, by with and for local people – has grown into something bigger and better than I could have imagined.
And none of it would have been possible without you.
It all began soon after I moved to Govanhill in 2018. The way this community was portrayed in the media just didn’t match the reality of living here. I had previously worked on magazines, solutions-focused journalism and community development, and so an idea was formed.
I initially set out to speak to as many people as I could in shops, cafés, community groups, bus stops – asking what you wanted to see in a community magazine. The response was incredible, and your ideas shaped what would become the very first issue.
My original launch date was mid-2020, but then lockdown hit. Instead of waiting, we launched the website right away – sharing vital information, uplifting stories, and celebrating the way our community came together to help one another. The focuse has always been on how to serve this community.
Later that year, thanks to your support, we crowdfunded over £3,000 to publish our first issue in November 2020.
Since then, we’ve come a long way. In 2021, we hired our first team member, and that year, we won three national awards, including Best Regional Magazine in the UK. We’ve won quite a few more since and out team has grown and grown.
Just some of our current team members !
Over these five years, hundreds of locals have gotten involved – writing, illustrating, photographing, translating and designing the magazine. We’ve run workshops and community reporter training, helping people learn new skills and share their voices. And there’s been radio shows, podcasts, exhibitions and events. In 2022, we opened The Community Newsroom as a local information hub and collaborative workspace.
”I feel more connected to my neighbours and my neighbourhood because of the magazine.”
The impact of all this has been huge – readers have joined community projects, got involved in activism, and learned how to greet their neighbours in their first language. People who have contributed have learned new skills, gone on to get jobs and grown in confidence. While community organisations who have been featured tell us about growth in business or increased volunteers – all because of the mag!
But here’s the truth: like most community media projects, we’re always fighting to survive. We get some grants and a bit of ad revenue, but it’s you – our members –who keep us going. That’s why we’re asking for your help.
As we celebrate this milestone, we’re aiming for 100 new members by the end of March. Lots of people paying a few pounds each month provides us the most stable base for us to continue platforming different voices. If you look forward to each new issue and love what we do, please consider becoming a member.
Think of it as a little birthday gift to us. 🥳
Click here to become a member today and help us get our campaign off to a flying start!
Thank you for being part of this journey. Here’s to many more years of telling Govanhill’s stories – together.
With gratitude,
Founder, Greater Govanhill
Help us on our way to another 5 years by become a member for as little as £4 each month today
You’ll get….
each issue of the magazine posted out to you
invited along to our members meetings and events
discount on our merch
to support a grassroots community project making a real difference