Mirrl: Unveiling the Hidden Treasures of Traditional Japanese Artistry, Crafted by Govanhill Locals
“If you’re the only one making this unusual thing then there is a draw; no one else seems to be doing what we’re doing. You know, I think there are only really a handful of people in Japan that can make this thing.” - Lewis Harvey, MIRRL.
Glasgow's Newest Mural Celebrates Indigenous Environmentalism
A group of South Asian women and indigenous leaders have created a 65 foot mural celebrating indigenous environmentalism, in amongst the streets of colonial Merchant City.
Meet the Maker: Brian Morgan of Jangling Space
“Glass has life in it. Light hits colour and texture to make something totally unique.” In our ‘Meet the Maker’ series, we plan to introduce you to some of the incredibly creative and inventive makers that Govanhill seems to be bursting with. First up, is Brian Morgan of Jangling Space.