نوروز ۱۴۰۱، شروعی تازه در سده ای نو
هانیه خاکپور
نوروز ۱۴۰۱ آغاز برگی نو از قرن جدید در تقویم خورشیدی است. الهه می گوید: نوروز فراگیرترین نماد فرهنگی است که همه ایرانیها آن را در چمدان خود گذاشته و به این طرف آب آورده اند.
Making a Multilingual Zine Celebrating Govanhill’s 88 Languages
Greater Govanhill Magazine helped to facilitate a workshop at the Bee's Knees Café to help create a zine that will celebrate all the languages of Govanhill. The event took place as part of the BHASH Glasgow Language Festival.
Behind the Portrait : Daniel Radu
Greater Govanhill spoke to Daniel Radu, co-founder of Transylvania Shop and Coffee. Daniel discusses his life previous to opening the shop in 2020 and his love for Christmas trees.
Govanhill Roma Youth Project: Our First March
For many members of the Govanhill Roma Youth Project, the Global Day of Action during COP26 was their first time attending such a large protest. One participant, 16 year-old Natalia Balogova, shares her experience of the march.
یونین کیوں؟
کیا آپ کا کوئی ایسا باس رہا ہے جس نے آپ کو تنگ یا جنسی طور پر ہراساں کیا ، یا عملے کے کسی دوسرے کارکن کے ایسا کرنے پر اس نے آپ کی شکایت کو نظرانداز کر دیا ؟ یا وہ جس نے آپ کی جعلی پے سلپس بنائیں اور آپ کے حصے کے ٹیکس کو خود اپنے لیے رکھ لیا ؟ یا وہ جس نے آپ کی والدہ کی وفات کے وقت بھی آپ کی چھٹی کی درخواست مسترد کر دی ، یا اس وقت جب آپ کسی ذہنی پریشانی یا دباؤ کا شکار تھے ؟ یا وہ جو شدید سردی میں بھی ہیٹنگ نہ چلائے ؟
Why Unions? ‘Make Bosses Pay’ by Eve Livingston
In this extract from the recently released Make Bosses Pay, Eve Livingstone sets out why collective action is essential for workers seeking to counter the power dynamics present in modern workplaces.
Know Your Rights!
In light of recent illegal eviction attempts, Romano Lav explains what renters need to know about their rights under the law. This article is readable in English, Romanian and Czech.
Govanhill International Festival: Putting Anti-Racism Centre Stage
The Govanhill International Festival and Carnival is in its fifth year. Initially planned as a response to the vilification of migrants within our community, the festival has evolved into a vibrant, diverse and interdisciplinary celebration of what makes Govanhill unique.
Is Anti-Gypsyism Law in Romania Actually Making Things Worse?
In Issue 2 of Greater Govanhill magazine, local charity, Romana Lav shared their concerns about the consequences of an anti-gypsyism law that has been passed in Romania.
Equality Means the Right To Vote
This year marks the first time that refugees in Scotland are able to vote in the Parliamentary elections. This comes following a law passed in February 2020. In this article, published in Issue 2, Ahlam Al-Bashiri wrote about how she campaigned for that right, and what it feels like. If you are eligible, you have until 19 April to register.
UNESCO Chair Calls for Languages Strategy for Scotland
At the opening ceremony of the BHASHA Glasgow Language Festival on Sunday, Professor Alison Phipps, UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and Arts took the opportunity to call for a Languages Strategy for Scotland "Fostering multilingualism for inclusion in education and society." We published her address in full.