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Winter Solstice Workshop (Online) with Michelle Lang


During the season of Winter, nature rests. Animals hibernate and plants go to sleep to preserve energy for the next cycle of life in Spring. At this time, the new solar year is also upon us as the Earth begins to tilt back towards the Sun, signifying the completion of another cycle of life before we slowly transition into Spring.

The Winter Solstice has been celebrated around the world for thousands of years, acknowledging the shortest day of the year as a return to light, a return to innocence and rebirth around the wheel of life as the Earth continues to spin.

This is a good time to lay any old habits and behaviours that aren’t serving us to rest. To let them die. In turn, this can help us to create space to plant the seeds of change, to open up new opportunities and manifest what we want in our lives.

Michelle Lang will use a blend of yoga and shamanic journeying to support you to shift negative habits, thoughts and behaviours and create space to invite in new possibilities that help you work towards reaching your full potential.

The evening will open with a Death and Rebirth journey, which will help you to release what is no longer serving you and plant the seeds of change.

An hour long candle lit yin practice will follow, to help you feel grounded, calm and relaxed, allowing the healing energy from your journey to consolidate.

The session will end with a guided meditation to help you identify your own unique gift to take into 2021

You will need:

A note book and pen
Cozy Blanket
A bolster or a firm pillow
X2 yoga bricks or thick books
Optional – Essential Oils

To book, visit:

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