Scotland Remembers: The Roma Genocide


Roma Genocide Commemoration, 2 August 2020...

Join Dikh He Na Bister, Romano Lav and Progress in Dialogue to commemorate the Roma Genocide, learn from the testimony of survivors and hear from young Roma and Travellers who attended the official commemoration ceremony at Auschwitz-Birkenau in 2019.

The online event will also mark the re-planting of the Romany Rose tree in Glasgow - Scotland's only Roma Genocide memorial. Today more than ever it is important we remember, we learn and we stand in solidarity.

Register via Eventbrite

This is a partnership event between Dikh He Na Bister, Romano Lav and Progress in Dialogue.


Repair Stop opens for affordable repairs at the Deep End, Nithsdale Street, 12-2pm Mon-Sat


Creative Writing Workshop Series: Experimental Writing for Anxious Souls