Radio Buena Vida - a Govanhill-based community radio station launches soon


A new community internet radio station with a focus on diverse music and DJs will soon be coming live from a record shop in the heart of Govanhill, broadcasting right across the globe.

Radio Buena Vida (meaning ‘good life’ in Spanish) is a new community internet radio station, starting initially as a pop-up in the window of Some Great Reward record café on Victoria Road, close to Queens Park in Govanhill.

It is the idea, two years in the making, of David Fleming and Susan O'Neill. It was inspired by time spent in Barcelona and the desire to put their individual skills, experiences and passions together in what will soon hopefully be a permanent home for the station within their own café/bar – Bar Buena Vida.


Taking inspiration from online stations such as NTS and Red Light Radio, Radio Buena Vida aims to provide a Glasgow-based global platform for established DJs from home and abroad. It will cover a wide variety of non-commercial music genres such as punk, disco, reggae, techno, house & hip hop. Radio Buena Vida will also encourage emerging talent and record collectors alike to get in touch to host their own shows – something many have already done via the show submission form on the website:

Since the website went live on 22 September, we have had an amazing number of people contact us with ideas for shows. I’ve also reached out personally to friends and contacts from Glasgow and beyond, built up over my 20 years of involvement in the music industry, and we are really excited at the diversity and calibre of the DJs and presenters you’ll soon be able to tune into.
— David Fleming, Co-founder, Radio Buena Vida.

Shows can be streamed live from the window of Some Great Reward, streamed live remotely or pre-recorded.

As well as playing music, Radio Buena Vida will also be a platform for DJs to discuss social issues. The station will seek to collaborate with local charities and community groups, through workshops and shows, to ensure the voices and music of all communities are welcomed and heard regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or disability.

When Radio Buena Vida was devised, the current pandemic and the impact it has had on the creative industries hadn’t yet appeared. But it is hoped that it can be an especially welcome outlet and platform for DJs and music lovers as the fight to get through this continues.

While you wait for Bar Buena Vida, keep an ear out for Radio Buena Vida, coming soon, live, from Some Great Reward record café, 520 Victoria Road, Glasgow G42 8BG.

Find out more



Instagram: @radio_buena_vida


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