Govanhill - Life in Lockdown: We Want Your Photos

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We are very excited to be creating a photo documentary collage of Govanhill residents’ life in lockdown through photos you have taken on your phones.

Young people from our projects are meeting virtually to choose a selection to post every Friday on Creative Govanhill Facebok page. The final collage and a music video showcasing local music captured during lockdown will be displayed physically (hopefully) and digitally at Govanhill International Festival in August.

Email your 3 photos to or send them via Facebook to Nola ONeill CR or Leon Puska CR.

Each photo will be reproduced anonymously, but contributors names will be credited in the final work.

By sending us your photos you are consenting to their use by the Govanhill - Life in Lockdown Project, and confirming that you have the consent of any people in the photos to submit them for public display.


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