Factoring in Tenement Retrofit: A toolkit for property factors is now live!

Last year Strathclyde’s Emma Miller held workshops to explore the potential role that property factors can plan in tenement retrofit.

Read more: How can tenement flat owners take on retrofitting their homes?

Over the last year Strathclyde University have been collaborating with Under One Roof, analysing the outputs of the workshops and keeping a close eye on policy developments, to craft a pair of toolkits aimed at the key stakeholders – property factors and tenement property owners.

This month Strathclyde University are pleased to announce that the first of the toolkits for property factors is now live.

The second toolkit, for tenement property owners will follow in due course.  Much of the content of this first toolkit will also be helpful to property owners as well as building professionals and property service providers, so do please circulate this around your colleagues and networks.

Download the toolkit here: pureportal.strath.ac.uk/factoring-in-tenement-retrofit-a-toolkit


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