Aye Festival - Spit it Out
Spit it Out is an embryonic charity, based in Edinburgh dedicated to opening conversation around consent, mental health and healing through creativity. We are a very small team of women from different backgrounds, recovering from trauma and mental illnesses, who wanted a change, came together and created this community and we need your help to spread the word about the festival!
We work off of 4 Pillars ;
Community Care
Self Compassion
Transformative Justice
Cathartic Outlets
Aye Festival is a two week event in multiple venues across Glasgow, Edinburgh and Online and will be the official launch of all the work the Spit it Out team have been voluntarily doing since 2019. We are so excited to share a series of thought provoking and conversation starting events.
An immersive arts festival that focuses on creative ways to talk about, support and heal from trauma.
The dates of the festival are:
June 16th - 19th in Glasgow
June 20th - 22nd Online
June 23rd - 26th in Edinburgh
In order to make sure the festival is as accessible as possible, all the events are “Pay as you can”, so everyone can enjoy as many events as they want without worrying about the costs! We have made sure to have BSL interpreting available on request at all events and thanks to Summerhall and CCA, there will be quiet rooms accessible to everybody when required. We have also created a full 4 days of online events to make sure those that can not join us in person can still connect.