Victoria Bar unveils 'The Best Fans in the World' painting


The Victoria Bar, one of 21 sites part of the Football Square Mile (FSM), has recently become home to a painting by Ashley Rawson, depicting two Tartan Army fans, clad in Scotland’s signature colours. The work entitled ‘The Best Fans in the World’,  is a homage to the Tartan Armies' celebration of the Euros. 

Words and photo by Samar Jamal

The Football Square Mile represents the most important areas in Scotland's football history, marking the birthplace of the modern game. The Victoria Bar is Site No. 11 and a B-listed building. It was the home to a historic meeting that led to the founding of Scotland’s first football club, Queen’s Park.

Ashley explains: "This is a tribute to the thousands of fans that travelled to Germany or have followed them over the years. The tears running down the cheeks of these two fans illustrate the emotional rollercoaster of being a Scotland fan. I wanted to ensure that the wider public could see  this, and I am delighted the Victoria Bar has agreed to put it on display for the Tartan Army to see.” 

Read more: If these walls could talk

The permanent loan of the painting is in addition to the installation of plaques by FSM at other sites to support their goal to tell the ‘story of how Scotland invented, and then exported the modern passing game of football to the rest of the world’. FSM hopes to secure UNESCO World Heritage status for the area in the future. 

Annie Kane, Manager of the Victoria Bar, is an Ambassador and member of the Football's Square Mile Alliance. 

Annie said: “We are thrilled to have one of Ashley's prized paintings on our wall for everyone to see and love. Our passionate Tartan Army section is made up of our regulars, where many travelled to Germany to watch the Euros. The results did not go our way, but the  appreciation of our fans was brilliant, as they made headlines across Europe for their devoted  passion for the Scotland team.”

David Coutts, Director of The Football’s Square Mile Company, said, “Ashley's painting is a  fantastic addition to FSM and will draw people into the Victoria Bar to learn more about the  magnificent footballing history of the site.'“

For a map of all 21 sites as well as more information on the Football Square Mile, visit the website


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