arts and culture, Post, Solutions, Politics Greater Govanhill Notices arts and culture, Post, Solutions, Politics Greater Govanhill Notices

Govanhill artists welcome u-turn on Creative Scotland funding, but vow to continue to fight

Govanhill artists joined the unions in their continued fight for arts funding despite a recent government u-turn on cuts announced last month. Though funding has been reinstated, the arts community remains concerned about future uncertainties, especially on the impact cuts would have on working-class communities. Protesters called for a progressive tax system in the broader fight to preserve public funding, not just for the arts and culture sector.

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Occupy! Occupy! Occupy! - The History of Saving Govanhill Baths

What made Govanhill Baths so essential to the community? Why did residents occupy the building to save it, leading to the formation of Govanhill Baths Community Trust? When will the Baths reopen? In this article, Paula Larkin, archivist for the Trust, delves into these questions, exploring the rich history of the Baths and the campaign to preserve them.

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