post, South Asian, south asian heritage month Greater Govanhill Notices post, South Asian, south asian heritage month Greater Govanhill Notices

South Asian Heritage Month: ‘I had internalized this sense of halfness.’

South Asian Heritage Month is a celebration of South Asian identities and cultures. This year’s theme, ‘Free to Be Me,’ prompted Sofia to reflect on her own complex sense of identity. Sofia shares her experience of growing up in Glasgow's South Asian community, struggling with her mixed-race background and the challenges of fitting into Scottish and Asian cultures.

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arts and culture, Community, Govanhill, heritage, Issue 12, post, point of view, women Greater Govanhill Notices arts and culture, Community, Govanhill, heritage, Issue 12, post, point of view, women Greater Govanhill Notices

A Powerful Exploration of Self Identity: No Single Track

Shanine Gallagher’s latest film, No Single Track, is a powerful exploration of her mixed identity. At The Community Newsroom, we had an exclusive screening of the film where the filmmaker shared more about her journey.

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