Fundraiser Launched for Kenmure Street Resistance Anniversary


Govanhill Baths have launched a crowdfunder to put on a weekend of events, known as Festival of Resistance, to commemorate the events of Kenmure Street on 13th May 2021.

By Jack Howse

On the morning of 13th May 2021, the people of Glasgow’s Southside came together to stop the forced removal of two of our neighbours. Sumit Sehdev and Lakhvir Singh were taken from their home by the Home Office and put in a van. This van was then blocked by some peaceful activists. Word spread quickly and soon many more local residents came to block this forced removal. After many hours, the two men were released by the police and were escorted, arms aloft, by the crowd to the local mosque where they gave speeches on their experiences.

The story spread and made headlines around the world. Kenmure Street stands as testament to the power of collective and community action. As local activist Pinar Asku told The Guardian “they messed with the wrong city”.

Read more: Remembering Kenmure Street

Now, on the eve of the year-anniversary of the Kenmure Street protest, Govanhill Baths have launched an appeal to fund a weekend-long itinerary of events, workshops and celebrations.

On 13-14 May, Kenmure Street will be closed as local schoolchildren paint a mural, banners will be hung and musicians play in the park on the street. There will be a host of international speakers who will talk on topics including the Trumpian ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). There will also be a number of food stands from many different communities around Pollokshields.

Govanhill Baths have launched the crowdfunder to pay for the following the logistics need to make this happen.

Fatima Uygun, Trust Manager at Govanhill Baths told Greater Govanhill Magazine:

“The Festival of Resistance on the 13th and 14th of May will take place in Kenmure Street marking a year since the magnificent show of community defiance against the racist policies of the Home Office. Hundreds gathered in opposition to the attempt by the Border police to detain two of our neighbours.

“It is not just a celebration of what was achieved that day, it is to stand in opposition to the xenophobic and racist immigration policies of the Westminster Government that allows migrants to drown in the mediterranean sea, forces asylum seekers into hotel detention and in particularly the proposed Borders and Nationalities Bill, which makes empathy towards refugees and asylum seekers a crime.

“The Festival of Resistance will be filled with activities promoting diversity- there will be information stalls by pro-refugee and migrant organisations, storytelling workshops, film screenings as well as music and food. We want to say it loud and clear that refugees, asylum seekers and migrants are welcome here.”

If you would like to donate to the fundraiser, or find out any more information, please follow the link here


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