Bin Hubs Better? Residents Have Their Say on City Council Trial
On-street bin hubs bring cleaner back courts, but, as the council gears up to expand the scheme, questions of flytipping and fairness remain.
By James McAleer | Photo by Iain McLellan
Back In 2023, Glasgow City Council launched the bin hub pilot initiative. Purpose-built on street bin hubs replaced back court bins, first in Pollokshields, then Haghill, then Anderston. Now, in response to a Freedom of Information request by Govanhill Go!, Glasgow City Council have published the results of a feedback exercise they undertook in December 2023 and January 2024, asking residents about their experiences using and living with the new bin hubs.
The release of the feedback exercise comes as a report by Glasgow Community Food Network (GCFN), published this February, highlights the effect of improperly disposed food waste on climate and communities. The report, titled “No More Food To Landfill”, made 11 key recommendations, including a restored food waste collection service at the same, if not greater, frequency as general waste collection.
With Govanhill reportedly in line to receive bin hubs when the pilot is expanded, this feedback represents important and useful information: broadly positive, it emphasises the potential of the new system in improving waste management – but also highlights potential issues which could impact the community.
The majority of respondents said that using new bin hubs was a better option than using the back court bins, with just over half of respondents indicating that their back courts were in better condition. The vast majority, 96%, of respondents knew which recycling went where, indicating that the signage around the bins is clear and accessible.
However, issues around littering and flytipping have not been erased: 59% of respondents found litter around the hubs, and 56% reported issues with flytipping. Positively, flytipping and overflowing bins are being responded to very quickly – and while some respondents expressed concern that an expanded pilot would stretch thin street cleansing resources, recent budgetary announcements may well assuage their concerns.
Read more: £6.5M boost for Glasgow cleansing services: 200 new jobs announced
More than two in three respondents found it more difficult to find parking, which, given the size and location of the bins, is perhaps to be expected, while some residents highlighted that the bins, over summer, became smelly.
One respondent noted that more affluent areas appeared to have better looking hubs, with drawings and pictures of old Glasgow:
“Why is it that residents on Shields Road have slightly less ugly hubs with drawings/pictures of old Glasgow on them, while the rest of us have generic hubs? I am aware that some Shields Road residents complained about the installation of the hubs and that it would devalue their properties, so I imagine that was a small compromise to appease them. However, this feels classist, like the rich people deserve better looking hubs. I imagine the West End ones when/if they arrive will also be sporting imagery. This feels unfair for the rest of us who didn’t complain and have basic ugly looking hubs.”
Approached for comment, a council spokesman said:
“In the lead up to the start of the pilot programme, we engaged with residents in the area over a period of time to provide information on the scheme, address resident concerns and make adjustments to the plans where appropriate.
“Using heritage pictures to wrap around bins was an idea that came up during the on-going conversation we had with residents and we felt it was an idea worth exploring at the time.
“Similar bin wraps were also used in a later phase of the pilot in Haghill in the east end of the city where imagery local to the area was applied to bin hubs.
“The Haghill phase of the pilot was extended but on reflection, it was agreed that using standard wraps on the additional bins was appropriate
“A further phase of the pilot in the Anderston area saw standard wraps used on the bin hubs only.
“The council has now agreed to roll-out the bin hub approach for flatted properties across the city and we recently agreed to purchase 1200 bin hubs in support of the project.
“The roll-out will begin in Craigton, Cardonald and Govan and it is anticipated that all new bin hubs will display the standard markings that highlight which materials should go into which bin.”
Ione Campsie, another Glasgow City Council representative, added further context on the planned roll-out of bin hubs in Govanhill:
"The short answer is yes, Govanhill is definitely in-line to receive on-street bin hubs as part of improvements we are making to our recycling service.
“In support of the roll-out, the council has recently agreed to purchase 1200 bin hub units and also the large capacity bins that will be housed within the hub units.
“As an area with a high density of tenement flats, Govanhill will be incorporated into the city wide roll-out of bin hubs.
“Not all properties may receive an actual hub due to practical on-site issues at each property, but assessments will be undertaken in relation to each property. All properties will have access to an additional bin for plastic and metal containers as part of the city wide drive to improve recycling.
“The introducing bin hubs into an area requires considerable detailed planning, which is underway in relation to the initial roll-out in south west Glasgow.
“Similar work will be required in relation to Govanhill and no dates have been confirmed at this stage.
“However, the roll-out of the project will include engagement and communication with the communities where the bin hubs are to be introduced to provide information on the scheme and also to help with the installation of the hubs."